Malton & Norton Neighbourhood Plan THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN FOR MALTON AND NORTON 2020-2027
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
Neighbourhood planning was introduced by the Government under the Localism Act of 2011. It’s an important and powerful tool that gives communities such as Malton and Norton statutory powers to help with their development.
It’s a document that sets out planning policies for the area – and these planning policies are used to decide whether in the future with the new North Yorkshire Council as our Local Planning Authority is able to approve planning applications.
It’s a document that’s written by the local community, the people who know and love the area, rather than the Local Planning Authority. It’s a powerful tool to help ensure that our community gets the right types of development, in the right place

How have we created our Neighbourhood Plan?
The whole point of a Neighbourhood Plan is that it is community led. A steering committee was originally formed in 2011, which faltered, but momentum then again gathered pace when a second steering group was created during 2016 which included representatives from the whole community of Malton and Norton; a number of separate focus groups also met on many occasions to consider the details of what should be included. These focus groups included residents, businesses, community groups, schools and churches – to find out what’s important to us where we live, what we’d like to improve, and what our vision is for the local area.
An essential part of the process was also the need to gather evidence to back up the ideas that the community wants to see. Using this feedback and evidence, we secured grant funding to engage a specialist for technical support and to provide professional advice to help write the planning policies that will make our community’s vision a reality.
Broadly, our Neighbourhood Plan is a framework for considering a range of issues including:
The development of housing, and provision for businesses to set up or expand their premises, transport and movement, including issues around roads, traffic management, car parking, rail access, cycling, and walking
The development of schools, health facilities, leisure and entertainment facilities, and other meeting places for the community to use. The enhancement of our environment and streetscene, including the design of buildings and improvements to our conservation areas, and ways in which we can take pride in the appearance of our towns.
The river corridor, including the improvement of access, development along the river frontage, buildings affected by flood risk – and our flood defences.
Tourism and the heritage of our community, including the protection of important buildings, archaeological sites and other historic assets. The protection and creation of open space, sports pitches, play areas, trees, parkland and gardens.
After statutory consultation in February/March 2021, the Neighbourhood Plan was formally submitted to Ryedale District Council in January 2022. The plan was subsequently withdrawn in the second half of 2022 in order that key identified amendments, relating primarily to highway improvements and Local Green Space could be made.
An amended plan was subject to a further statutory consultation between 27th January and 10th March 2023. Following further amendment, the plan was re-submitted to North Yorkshire Council (NYC) on 1st August for further publicity/consultation and independent examination. The examination took place in late 2023/early 2024, with the final examiner’s report delivered to NYC on 28th February. The report can be viewed by clicking on the link on the left-hand side of the page below.
The final plan, amended in line with the examiner’s recommendations, will be subject to a referendum of all voters on the electoral roll in Malton and Norton parishes later this year.
Neighbourhood Plan Documents
The final examiners report can be viewed at the link below
Basic Conditions Statement Annexes
Consultaton Statement Annexes
Malton and Norton Neighbourhood Plan Focus Group Meetings
Malton and Norton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meetings
-RDC Air Quality Annual Status Report 2019 – available at:
2011 Localism Act –available at:
Ryedale Local Plan – available at:
Ryedale Shopfront Design and Signs Supplementary Planning Guidance – available at:
Yorkshire and Humber Green Infrastructure Mapping Project, 2009 – available at:
National Planning Policy Framework – available at:–2
National Planning Practice Guidance – available at:-
Ryedale Community Infrastructure Levy – information available at:
Malton and Norton Strategic Transport Assessment (STA) 2010 – available at:
Malton Air Quality Management Area – information available at: