Malton Town Council currently has twelve councillors, each bringing their own skills, knowledge and expertise to the council, which benefits the council as a whole and has a positive impact on service delivery. As elected local representatives, they have a unique and privileged position and the potential to make a real difference in the local community. Once elected, Town Councillors sit on the Council for a maximum of four years, if Councillors wish to stay in post they can stand for re-election . There are two professional officers, the Town Clerk & the Deputy Town Clerk, a Cemetery Manager and Town Ranger.
Please view the Coucillor Register of Interests below:-
Please view the Councillor Representives to Outside Bodies and Working Parties below:-
Please view the annual Councillor Attenance List below:-
Local Democracy
Please click on the link below to the Results Statement for the election of 12 Parish Councillors, on Thursday 5th May 2022, for the Malton Parish.
A Town Council is a local authority that makes decisions on behalf of the people in the town. It is the level of government closest to the community, with Ryedale District above it in the hierarchy, followed by North Yorkshire County Council. As the authority closest to the people, Malton Town Council is the first place people will go with concerns or ideas. For this reason, we are a vital part of the community and we want to encourage you to engage with us.
Why become a Town Councillor?
You could be the fresh new talent that Malton Town Council is looking for. Are you ready to help change the face of local government? No other role gives you a chance to make such a huge difference to the quality of life for people in your local area. The diversity of local councils is their strength. Each can make a unique response to the needs of their community with a sensitivity that is more difficult for principal authorities to achieve.
The role of Malton Town Council is to represent the interests of the whole community; understanding the needs of different groups in the community (such as young and elderly people) is an important part of a Councillors role. As a Councillor, you have a responsibility to be well-informed, especially about diverse local views. You cannot assume that you represent the interests of all your electors without consulting them. In recognition of the need for a vibrant local democracy, the Localism Act 2011 sought to decentralise administrative power from the state towards localities, empowering communities to enable them to make better responses to community problems, and over the course of the past few years, Town and Parish Councils have found themselves taking on many more responsibilities.
Malton Town Council is responsible for grass-cutting, management of play areas, two cemeteries, Malton In Bloom, community engagement and continually seeks to be actively involved in the delivery of many other local services. As we move forward, the public and the Councillors who represent them have an opportunity to engage with key stakeholders in a bottom-up approach to devolution with local solutions to local problems, civic participation and an increased legitimacy of the Town Council and its role.
Town Council Powers
Malton Town Council has a wide range of powers which are essentially related to local matters, such as looking after two cemeteries, open space, play areas and much more. Additionally, Malton Town Council also has the General Power of Competence, this gives councils the power to do anything an individual can do provided it is not prohibited by other legislation
The council also has the power to raise money through taxation – the precept. The precept is the Town Council’s share of the Council Tax, which is collected via the billing authority – Ryedale Council.
Malton Town Council agrees its budget in December for the following financial year and based on the money that is required to carry out the plans for the coming year, the precept demand is made; the total amount required is divided by the council tax base; i.e. the number of taxpayers in Malton.
Malton Town Council aims to engage with residents on all matters, but it is especially important that we engage with residents on financial matters, especially if there are plans to increase the precept.

Cllr Jason Aldrich

Cllr Paul Andrews
Call: 01653 669023

Cllr Joshua Vale
Call: 07889 347 403

Cllr Lindsay Burr MBE Deputy Mayor of Malton
Call: 01653 697210

Cllr Amanda Carpenter
Call: 07772 652415

Cllr Ian Conlan, Mayor of Malton
Call: 07977 425422

Cllr Kerry Ennis
Call: 01653 697970

Cllr Sue Hawes
Call: 07813 955625

Cllr Will Oxley
Call: 07739 355951


Cllr Simon Thackray
Call: 01653 668449

Town Clerk - Gail Cook
Call: 01653 531876

Deputy Town Clerk - Tim Hicks
Call: 01653 531876