See below for all the latest news from Malton Town Council
Referendum on Neighbourhood Plan
Referendum to be held on Malton and Norton Neighbourhood Plan
The North Yorkshire Council Executive has given the go ahead to the Malton and Norton Neighbourhood Plan referendum to take place on Thursday 3rd October 2024. The Neighbourhood Plan has been produced by and for local residents. This marks the final stage of many years of work involving thousands of hours of volunteers time and many rounds of consultation to listen to local peoples views on how they want to shape our community into the future.
If you care about our towns and their future PLEASE take the trouble to vote.
If supported by a majority, the Neighbourhood Plan will be adopted and will become part of the formal statutory planning framework. This means that all planning decisions will need to take into account the policies set out in the Plan. With the loss of Ryedale District Council and the formation of North Yorkshire Council and concerns about the loss of local representation this provides our towns with very important safeguards. An adopted Neighbourhood Plan will also provide additional funding through the Community Infrastructure Levy to be spent locally.
Summarised, the vision in the Neighbourhood Plan is based on the rich heritage and culture of Malton and Norton from their historical origins;
- New housing and employment growth and opportunities will be enabled, within the context of an even higher quality environment and improved infrastructure
- New and improved road, cycling and pedestrian links and the promotion of active travel will help alleviate traffic congestion and air pollution in our town centres
- Tourism which is vital to our towns will continue to grow powered by the twin engines of heritage and culture
- The local food and horse-racing industries which are so much a part of the towns and their hinterland will be supported and developed further
- The three conservation areas will be better protected and their appearance and character enhanced by new development and other improvements
- The River Derwent is the other jewel in our crown. The vision is of a Derwent that floods less (or not at all), remains ecologically rich but which offers sympathetic riverside enhancements and the positive use of under-utilised riverside land.
At root, the vision states that people in our towns should be able to freely enjoy an abundance of simple pleasures in a well-supported and fully serviced community. There is an aspiration to enjoy culturally rich and vibrant leisure opportunities, including improvement of existing services and the development of new facilities and wellness activities.
To view the full Neighbourhood Plan and its supporting documents go to the link at
There will be 3 polling stations in Malton and 2 in Norton. Locations to be confirmed.
New Civic Office and Community Hub For Malton Town Council
Malton Town Council are delighted to announce that their newly renovated modern Civic Office and Community Hub is now open at 1 Newgate in Malton. Malton’s new Civic Office will enable more residents to access Town Council services face-to-face in an accessible building in the centre of Malton.
Malton’s Civic Office will act as a hub for reporting of all kinds of issues and concerns as well as enabling residents and visitors to visit and make full use of council services and tourist information services
Malton’s Civic Office is now located in Newgate just off the Market Place, Malton with a bus stop directly outside the building.
Our new building in the centre of Malton aims to enhance and benefit and welcome our growing diverse community who require advice and signposting to the many different agencies.
The new Malton Town Council building will provide increased employment and offer a unique role in the community. We aim to address the concerns of our residents, providing direct support to approximately 7,000 residents of Malton, we also will endeavour to offer support to residents of Norton-on-Derwent and the surrounding villages.
Malton Town Councillors unanimously supported the new move and all agreed it was essential to bring a new lease of life to the town, provide a convenient access to services that people depend on, and based on the principle that, market town occupants and those in the surrounding countryside should have a say in the future of their market towns. The provision of an accessible civic office in the centre of a market town will provide access to essential services and improve the diversity and vitality of the town’s economy.
Malton’s new civic building will provide an new opportunity for a multi-agency drop in venue, increased joint working with other agencies and the availability of a shared office space for key stake holders in the town.
Deputy Mayor, Councillor Lindsay Burr MBE said “It is with great delight I can confirm this new building will be at the heart of our community, for the community. I have been able to oversee see the acquisition and refurbishment from start to finish of this project. Considering it has only taken two months to complete, it is a truly remarkable achievement. A testimony to our dedicated Clerk and Deputy, with the backing of all town Councillors. I do hope all Maltonians feel this is a greatly needed easy access building, based around residents and genuinely focused on residents.”
The new Malton Town Council telephone number is Tel: 01653 531876 as is currently open Monday – Thursday 9am-4pm (where possible).
Become A Malton Town Councillor
Do you have ideas abouthow to improve our town, or concerns about a specific issue, andwould like to work with other Councillors to help make long-lasting
change? Are you willing to listen to fellow Councillors and the wider community and collaborate to make things happen?If this is you, then we need you. We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect their community to putthemselves forward for a vacancy on the Town Council.No special qualification is required to be a Councillor. You do needto be resident in Malton/Old Malton or within 3 miles of the parish
boundary, or own property, a business or work in the parish area. Itis important that all sorts of people serve as Councillors to so that all
parts of the community are represented. Training for new Councillors is also available to help you understand theresponsibilities of the role.
Malton Town Council is made up of 12 voluntary councillors whichmeet once a month to discuss and act on issues that are important tothe locality.
The Town Council employs a Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Town Ranger and Cemetery Manager. It manages Rainbow Lane play area, Malton and Old Malton cemeteries, sets a proportion of local taxes to be spent inthe town, comments on planning applications and run projects thathelp maintain, improve or enhance the local area. These includeMalton in Bloom, green spaces, art and sculpture, street furniture,lighting and CCTV.
Following recent reorganisation of Local Government and our TownCouncil achieving Local Government Gold Award status, the first
Council to do so in Yorkshire, we increase our eligibility to manageassets currently run by North Yorkshire Council. We are also wellplaced to influence decisions made by that Council and other bodiesthat affect our town.
The Council meets in public once a month on a Wednesday evening.In addition, Councillors may attend other meetings representing the
Council, for example acting as a representative on an outside body,community activities or helping develop a new project for the
community.If you would like to know more about the role, please get in touchwith the Clerk, Mrs Gail Cook, Tel: 01653 609888 who is happy totalk with you.
To join the Town Council, please send an email or letter expressingyour interest to or post to Malton TownCouncil, 10-12 Saville Street, Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 7LL.The closing date is Friday 28th June 2024.
1 Newgate, Malton - Malton Town Councils Acquisition
Malton Town Council have acquired 1 Newgate Malton, which gives the Town Council a high street presence, accessible to the public, and creating a community hub as well as a building that we can utilise for Council meetings and other meetings. The council are in the process of making the premises fit for purpose.
Hope Market Place, Malton Secondary School
Malton Secondary School hosted their Hope Market Place, which we attended, they commented as follows, "We would like to thank all the voluntary organisations who gave of their time on Thursday afternoon to attend our HOPE Market Place, providing advice to students on the different kinds and levels of support available in this area. It was great to see students interacting with organisations such as Yorkshire Housing, RSF, North Yorkshire Police - Ryedale, Camphill Village Trust and Malton Town Council. It was also lovely to hear how engaging and well behaved our students were"
Dick Whittington Pantomime
Malton and Norton Musical Theatre 75th Anniversary Pantomime Saturday 20th to Saturday 27th January 2024 tickets available from or call 07392 112669
Remembrance Sunday 2023
Situated outside the War Memorial, a large crowd from members of public, The Royal British Legion, Military, Civic leaders and members of Malton Town Council held a short remembrance service at 11.00 on Sunday 12th November to mark respect to the fallen. Standards were raised and lowered at the cornet player played the last post. A parade was led from the War Memorial to the New Globe where refreshments were served. Pictures courtesy of Nick Fletcher.
St Clements Festival - 25th November 2023
Malton St Clement’s Festival, Malton Market Place
Saturday 25th November 2023
10am - 8pm
The first of its kind in Yorkshire, this inaugural St Clement’s Festival is set to be a celebration of Malton’s host of craftspeople, the Autumn and St Clement, the patron of blacksmiths. There will be a whole host of activities planned throughout the day including sculpture and art trails, light shows, a variety of musical performances with singing and dancing, and of course, delicious treats from Malton’s eateries. Free Entry!
Crafts & Demonstrations
From blacksmith to pottery demonstrations, apple pressing to treat making and more, there’ll be something for all the family to enjoy!
Son et Lumiere
Festivities at the event, will culminate in the early evening, lantern parade, along an avenue of lit trees, all decorated and sponsored by local businesses, in Malton’s historic Market Place.
Live Music
Enjoy traditional music from Malton’s local brass bands, choirs and wandering minstrels whilst you have explore the festival.
Festival Activities
Activities taking place across the festival include:
Crafting and treat making;
Story Telling;
Children’s activities and face painting run by Be Amazing Arts;
Blacksmithing demonstrations;
Art and sculptures;
Apple Pressing and tasting;
Music from bands, choirs, buskers and more!
And of course, the Son et Lumiere and twilight lantern procession in the Market Place.
Some retailers around Malton will be open for a spot of late night shopping too.
Timings for the Day
By 10.00am: decorated avenue of trees and sculpture trail set up
By 10.00am: Local shops, cafes and hospitality outlets open with themed offerings
11.00am: demonstrations drinks, treats, displays, tastings and hands-on in Market Place and The Cook’s Place
11.00am: music program includes wandering minstrels, church and market place music
12.00noon: Craft, storytelling and lantern-making family/children’s workshop tent opens
4.00pm onwards: as dusk falls, illuminated tree avenue comes to life
6.00pm onwards: Procession of children’s lanterns led by the marching band
6.30pm: Son et lumiere in the square and Grand Finale
7.30pm onwards: Late night shopping
Then there will be plenty of time to enjoy the festive hospitality of Malton’s many bars and restaurants to carry on the festive cheer until later on!
*Timings may be subject to change.
Make A Change - Become a Councillor
Are you passionate about your community? Do you have ideas about how to improve our town, or concerns about a specific issue, and would like to work with other Councillors to help make long-lasting change? Are you willing to listen to fellow Councillors and the wider community and collaborate to make things happen?
If this is you, then we need you. We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect their community to put themselves forward for a vacancy on the Town Council.
No special qualification is required to be a Councillor. You do need to be resident in Malton/Old Malton or within 3 miles of the parish boundary, or own property, a business or work in the parish area. It is important that all sorts of people serve as Councillors to so that all parts of the community are represented. Training for new Councillors is also available to help you understand the responsibilities of the role.
Malton Town Council is made up of 12 voluntary councillors which meet once a month to discuss and act on issues that are important to the locality.
The Town Council employs a Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Cemetery Manager and contractors. It manages Rainbow Lane play area, Malton and Old Malton cemeteries, sets a proportion of local taxes to be spent in the town, comments on planning applications and run projects that help maintain, improve or enhance the local area. These include Malton in Bloom, green spaces, art and sculpture, street furniture, lighting and CCTV.
Following recent reorganisation of Local Government and our Town Council achieving Local Government Gold Award status, the first Council to do so in Yorkshire, we increase our eligibility to manage assets currently run by North Yorkshire Council. We are also well placed to influence decisions made by that Council and other bodies that affect our town.
The Council meets in public once a month on a Wednesday evening. In addition, Councillors may attend other meetings representing the Council, for example acting as a representative on an outside body, community activities or helping develop a new project for the community.
If you would like to know more about the role, please get in touch with the Clerk, Mrs Gail Cook, Tel: 01653 609888 who is happy to talk with you.
To join the Town Council, please send an email or letter expressing your interest to or post to Malton Town Council, 10-12 Saville Street, Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 7LL. The closing date is Tuesday 26th September 2023.
Our Mayor's Excellent Fundraiser
The Mayor of Malton is taking on ultra distance race this weekend to raise funds for a Ryedale charity.
Ian Conlan is competing in the ‘Steel City 60’, a 60 mile ultra distance trail race round the city of Sheffield for Ryedale Special Families' (RSF) plan for a new home.
The race circumnavigates Sheffield mainly using the Sheffield Country Walk and has a 20 hour time limit. Starting at 6am it has feed stations every 10 miles, and a cut-off time of 2am the following morning.
Ian said: “I initially trained for a 24 mile running event in 2020 which was cancelled, and I wanted to get back into long distance running to unwind and lose weight after the stresses of the last three years.
"Running to raise funds for Ryedale Special Families' new building is an added motivation, as I used to do music therapy sessions there over 20 years ago in their current premises, so I am both indebted to them and appreciate the limitations of their current building."
RSF currently owns a piece of land in Pickering, and is now raising funds for a new building to replace it's current home in Old Malton.
"The new building will run a wide variety of activities including group sessions and individual support – as well as activities for disabled young adults in the charity's Ryedale Supported Futures programme.
Featuring sensory spaces and welcoming areas for parents and carers to meet, the new building will be fully accessible with ample car parking space and will include an outdoor area to socialise in.
Ian added:"It makes so much more sense to have purpose-built premises which are large enough and also fully accessible, in order to meet the needs of the children and their families that rely on RSF.
"As a Malton Town Councillor and current Mayor I wanted to support a local charity that meets such an important need in our community as well as seeks to cater for whole families, including siblings."
Rob Davies, Funding Coordinator for Ryedale Special Families said: “We’d like to say a huge thank you to Ian and wish him well on his challenge. We’re indebted to the many people like Ian who take on a challenge and help to raise funds towards our new building in Pickering.”
The race takes place on Saturday, April 22.
Anyone wishing to sponsor Ian can do so by visiting his Just Giving page at
Out and About With Malton in Bloom
Busy weekend at Malton in Bloom. We attended the involve event at the Milton Rooms hosted by Malton and Norton Rotary and sharing a stand with Malton and Norton Tidy Group. It was great to communicate with other stall holders and meet new potential volunteers. We have also been tidying the beds round the Market Place ready for Summer planting.
Town Meeting Invites Speakers
Malton Town Council have the pleasure of Ryedale Remakes, Malton Museum and Kirkham Henry Performing Arts, speaking to them at 7.30pm at Ryedale House, Malton on Wednesday 26th April, as part of the town meeting, not a full council meeting, so please do feel free to come and join us at that time, hear what they have to say and also check out their Facebook pages below.
Out and About With The New Gazebo
Out and about with the new Malton Town Council gazebo. This week we were in the Market Place at the Monthly Food Market, meeting with residents and talking with visitors to the town. Pictured Councillor Kerry Ennis and Clerk Gail Cook.
The Highest Golden Accolade For Malton Town Council
Malton Town Council has been awarded the LCAS Quality Gold which is the Local Council Award Scheme operated by the National Association of Councils. There are three ranks within the award, Foundation, Quality and Quality Gold. There are few councils acheive Quality Gold and the procedural and governance requirements come with a high benchmark. Indeed Malton is the first Council in the whole of Yorkshire to achieve Quality Gold. An amazing acheviement all round.
Ryedale Plan Review
The Mayor of Malton, Mr Ian Conlan, in support of the consultation response of Malton Town Council, invites all Malton residents to respond to the public consultation on the Review of the Ryedale Plan by Ryedale District Council. The deadline for responses is Tuesday 21st February 2023.
It is really important that as many residents as possible make their views known. Some impacts of the Plan, which was adopted in 2013, and the unanimous responses of the Malton Town Council to the current consultation, are given herein.
Please state your agreement with the Town Council comments, or, if appropriate, your individual views, by email to
Please note that there is a different, concurrent, public consultation on the second version of the Malton and Norton Neighbourhood Plan, a summary of which was recently delivered to households. The response deadline for this consultation is 10th March 2023
Its The Truth! I'm Not Lion!
A beautiful wood carved lion has appeared in a garden of a residence on York Road, Malton.
The creature was carved out of the tree at the weekend.
We have not yet spoken to the owner, but this is a magnificent work of art of a magnificent beast and do hope we can get further detail on it.
A Christmas Message
A Christmas message from the Mayor of Malton, Ian Conlan.
This has been another rollercoaster year for many residents. Many will have enjoyed the freedoms from lockdown to socially mix with one another and enjoy local amenities. We also welcome an increase in visitors, not just at food festivals, but throughout the year.
However, so many of us will have been rocked by the cost of living crisis, with increasing numbers of families in our own communities facing awful decisions about whether to “eat or heat”, and the demands on Ryedale Community Foodbank, Free Fridge and other local support services have risen hugely, hitting people who have never needed this kind of help before, and for the first time a network of Warm Spaces has been set up for everyone struggling to afford to heat their own homes this winter.
At this time of year, many people are forced to cut back on buying as many material things, and volunteers are stepping up in our community and reaching out residents in need, reflecting the spirit of Christmas which people with or without religious faith share, that the Christmas story of “no room at the inn” is a challenge to all of us to find a place for everyone in our communities to belong and feel valued and supported, and so many people have risen to the challenge, which has been impressive to see, this does not eliminate the real suffering in our community, but demonstrate that no-one needs to struggle alone, there are people working hard to help those in need.
Our town council supports the community by supporting play and recreational areas, cemeteries, and work to support and enhance public spaces, such as CCTV, lighting, planting, sculptures, Malton in Bloom, with the invaluable hard work of our town clerk, staff, councillors, and volunteers, for which I am deeply grateful. Our staff will also signpost to other services that can provide necessary support.
I would also like to thank all our grant funders, sponsors, and volunteers that have supported and complimented our work, too numerous to mention here, but including Michael Paley for this lovely Christmas tree, and warmly wish all residents a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Mayors early Christmas Concert a roaring success.
The Mayor of Malton, Cllr Ian Conlan held an early Christmas concert with the Charity Brass, Band. The charitable concert was in aid of Racing Welfare and Ryedale Community Foodbank with proceeds split between both. The evening raised over £450 in support of the charities. The band gave a great performance with many soloists and varied music. The evening also saw speeches from the heads of the charities and a piano recital from the Mayor.
A Good Tidy Up
James Sharp and the team from Dignity Funerals, Malton, have been out litter picking, this time along the York Road strech of Malton in and out of town.
A sterling effort, and it is good to see businesses going above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you.
Remembrance Sunday
Situated outside the War Memorial, a large crowd from members of public from Malton, The Royal British Legion, Military, Civic leaders and members of Malton Town Council held a short remembrance service at 11.00 on 13th November to mark respect to the fallen. Standards were raised and lowered at the cornet player played the last post. A parade was led from the War Memorial to the New Globe where refreshments were served. Pictured Cllr Ian Conlan, Mayor of Malton, Cllr Linday Burr, County Councillor and Deputy Mayor of Malton, and Cllr Di Keal, Mayor of Norton.
Tree Planting
Tree Planting on Milton Avenue. Cllr Kerry Ennis said “Carrying on from my term of office as Mayor when the Malton Town Council Climate and Biodiversity Policy was implemented, and I was also instrumental in pushing for the Peasey Hills Area to be included in the Malton in Bloom programme, I am pleased to be able to donate 3 more trees that have now been planted on Milton Avenue. With increased levels of air pollution, not only are trees one of the best ways of capturing carbon dioxide, they also enhance the area for residents”
Armistice Day
Members of the Royal British Legion and Members of Malton Town Council met at 11am Friday 11th November, on the Town Hall steps to pay respect and remember the fallen from the wars. Jane Ford, former Mayor of Malton, played the Last Post on Cornet.
Early Christmas Celebrations
The Mayor of Malton, Cllr Ian Conlan, invites you to an early Christmas concert with the Charity Brass, Band. This charitable concert is in aid of Racing Welfare and Ryedale Community Foodbank with proceeds split between both. There will be a raffle and refreshments. Suggested donation £5 per ticket, available on the door on the evening of the concert, or from the following numbers. Racing Welfare 01653 696869. Malton Town Council 01653 609888. To be held at St Michaels Church, in the Market Place. Saturday 26th October, at 7pm.
Saying No To Fracking
Malton Town Council is disappointed that the Conservative Government’s recent announcement on lifting the moratorium on fracking breaks their 2019 manifesto pledge to “not support fracking unless the science shows categorically that it can be done safely.” Malton Town Council is greatly concerned about the impact of the energy and cost of living crisis on Malton residents. However, fracking is not the answer.
At its September meeting Malton Town Council resolved the following; Malton Town Council calls for the National moratorium on fracking to be re-imposed. Malton Town Council continues to have a number of unresolved concerns about important aspects of fracking, and therefore is opposed to any fracking activities in its locality until such time as satisfactory answers are forthcoming.
Barking about our new lights!
As part of our Castlegate improvement scheme, as well as providing planters with trees, and new CCTV provision in the area, we have lit up this imposing tree on the corner. Check out our other lit trees at the War Memorial, Yorkersgate and Sparrows Nest, Newbiggin.
Let's Talk
From 1 April 2023, North Yorkshire Council will replace the eight councils in North Yorkshire to deliver all the public services your local council currently provides. Having one new council will save money by joining up services to end duplication, helping to support services so they are stronger and fit for the future, as well as fund local decision-making.
The new council is being built with local at the heart of everything it will do. There will be a main office in each district, supported by customer access points across North Yorkshire so you can still access help and advice face-to-face. There will also be a single website, a single telephone number, and a single local councillor serving your area.
Community Networks will bring together residents, councillors, businesses, town and parish councils, MPs, community groups, and partners like the NHS and police and fire services. Area committees will oversee decisions on matters like licensing and planning at a local level. There will also be a single website, a single telephone number, and a single local councillor serving your area.
Over the next few months, the new council will be asking you what local services are most important to you, how you’d like to work with them, and what you think they should focus on as part of ‘Let’s Talk’, the biggest countywide conversation that North Yorkshire has ever seen.
How can I take part?
The first topic of conversation is ‘Let’s Talk Local’, focussing on what’s important to you in your local area, as well as asking for your views on the proposed Community Networks. This will be followed by conversations about the budget and proposed devolution deal for York and North Yorkshire later in the autumn. You’ll hear more about ’Let’s Talk’ in the paper, on the radio, online and on social media, and the conversation will run from early September right through to December.
Teams from the council will be holding these conversations in person across North Yorkshire at the places you visit and socialise at, like libraries and street markets, and talking to members of local groups.
You can also share your views online or, if you’d prefer, on paper. Surveys are available in accessible formats including large print and easy read, plus selected alternative languages - simply call 01609 780780 to request your copy.
Join the conversation
Visit to share your views online, and find out where your local conversations are taking place.
Ewe Can't Believe It!
Ewe can't believe it! There's no pulling the wool, but the sheep have arrived at Broughton Manor, Malton. Commissioned by Malton Town Council and Malton in Bloom, created for us by Emma Stothard Sculpture. Thank you Emma, beyond brilliant!
Wheelie Good Idea
A wheelie good idea. Malton Town Council for some time has been looking at siting new cycle racks in the town centre, as well as selecting the right ones for users. The cycle racks have been installed in the Market Place, and can accommodate a bike either side. We will continue to look for suitable locations. Pictured, Cllr Ian Conlan, Mayor of Malton, and Lindsay Burr, Deputy Mayor of Malton.
Go Wild For Rewilding
Malton Town Council has a Climate and Biodiversity Policy, and one of the elements we are looking at, jointly with Malton in Bloom, is the rewilding of areas where possible in the town. We already have sections of wildflowers that we manage at Orchard Fields and Broughton Rise, and councillors came up with the idea to rewild large swathes of the cemetery that has not yet been subject to burials, and is open grassland. So our cemetery manager now cuts the necessary perimiter but leaves sections of the grass wild. In addition to this he has also added some native species of wildflower, and pollinators, all to enhance the local climate, encourage local wildlife and also look attractive.
Blooming Good Improvements To Malton Library
A joint effort by Malton in Bloom and contributions from Councillor Lindsay Burr, who is County Councillor of Malton and also Deputy Mayor of Malton, has seen a much improved Malton Library Garden Area. Malton in Bloom removed the old shrubs that were dwarfing the garden, and replaced these with geraniums, perennials, verbena and other choice planting. Two sunflower metal garden seats have also been installed. A new cycle rack and a new bin are to be installed shortly. This has brought about a vastly improved area full of colour and vibrancy.
Royal Proclamations
On Tuesday 13th September, on the steps of the former Town Hall, the Mayor of Malton, Cllr. Ian Conlan, proclaimed the passing of our beloved Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II, and proclaimed the succession by His Majesty King Charles III. The Mayor, and Deputy Mayor were joined by members of both Malton and Norton Council, The Town Crier, and Members of Swinton and District Band who played Hymns and God Save The King. The Crier gave three cheers to the new King. Thank you to all. A lovely crowd gathered in the sunshine to bear witness to the proclamation.
Statement from Mayor of Malton Councillor Ian Conlan on the announcement of the death of Her Majesty the Queen
It is with immeasurable sadness that we mark news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who has been a figure of grace and strength for our nation for so many years.
The thoughts of Malton Town Council are with the Royal Family as they grieve her loss.
We too shall grieve, for a Monarch who has been at the centre of our national life for nearly a century, and who has shown such devoted service to its citizens.
The grounds of Ryedale House shall be open for the placing of flowers for Her Majesty. A book of condolences will also be available to sign within Ryedale House.
Malton Town Council now unites with millions of others across this country, and across the world, to pay tribute to the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and to mourn her passing.
For more information about the book of condolences, please visit the Ryedale District Council website page: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - Ryedale District Council
Malton Racing Stables Open Day
Always a great event.
Tickets available now, see poster.
Birmingham 2022 Queens Baton Relay to Malton
The Birmingham 2022 Queens Baton Relay is coming to Malton on July 13th, starting at 2.08pm on Yorkersgate! The route is Yorkersgate, Market Place, Newgate, Spital Street, Princess Road, East Mount, Old Maltongate. For more details click here . . .
Public Energy Sessions
From Ryedale District Council . . .
We're writing to let you know about two important engagement events we are holding for residents in July to find out more about a pioneering green energy project.
These events follow the launch of Government-funded feasibility studies to see if natural heat can be drawn from deep gas extraction wells (including one originally drilled for fracking), and provided to homes and businesses in Ryedale.
Residents are being encouraged to book their places at the public events which will be held in Pickering and Malton on Wednesday 6 July.
You will also have the chance to take part in a survey about the scheme, which would be the first of its kind in the UK to repurpose these types of wells.
Third Energy, which owns 12 wells in Ryedale, has commissioned investigations to establish if they can be repurposed for geothermal energy. Ryedale District Council secured a £50,000 government grant to help fund the work. This sum has been match funded by the company, which has new owners and is no longer interested in using the wells for fracking or gas extraction.
If the project is shown to be viable, the wells could heat private homes, as well as leisure, commercial or agricultural buildings – bringing significant benefits for communities and the local economy.
The information events on 6 July will be held at Pickering Methodist Church Hall (2.30pm) and at Ryedale House in Malton (6.30pm).
We would appreciate it if you could spread the word about these events, so that residents and businesses interested in finding out more can attend.
Anyone interested in attending is asked to register their place by sending an email to:, stating which event they would like to attend.
Multi Agency Drop In Session
Multi Agency Drop In Session at Malton School today attended by PC Jane Jones, Gail Cook, Town Clerk and Mark from The Croft, pictured with Mr Williams, Headteacher
Great news, new Youth Club for Malton
Organised by
Youth Development at
North Yorkshire Youth
Climate Cafe - Saturday 9th July 11am - 3pm
Friends Meeting House, Greengate
Free refreshments
4 short talks and discussions on how we can take action together to make a difference!
• Mayor Ian Conlan on “Take the Jump” and 20s Plenty
• Richard Mclane on Regenerative Farming
• Cllr Mandy Carpenter on Modeshift Stars/Active Travel
• Helen Grundy from Ryedale Cycle Forum on Cycling
As well as free Refreshments, a Circular Malton & Fair Trade stall will also be available
Woodland Tykes Comes To Castle Gardens
Woodland Tykes are coming to Malton Castle Gardens at the Orchard fields (behind the fire station)
The first stay and play session is on Saturday 2nd of April at 10am until 12pm and is for ages 3 -7
This first session is a taster session and will be just £1 to join
We will be having hot chocolate and toasting marshmallows on the fire and giving you and the kids a run down of what we do and giving the children chance to take part in some fun activities as well as explore and enjoy the beautiful gardens.
Please use our website to book
Places will be limited, however feel free to email us to register your interest and ask any questions
Malton Town Council Annual Report 2021-22
Our neighbouring council, Norton on Derwent Town Council have a vacancy for a Clerk.
Applications are invited for the post of
Clerk / RFO to the Council
26 to 30 hrs per week
The duties include preparation for meetings, implementation of Council decisions, keeping of financial records and administration of all the Council’s activities, including allotments, cemetery and play areas and other exciting initiatives such as Norton in Bloom.
The salary is in accordance with Local Council Scale 2 (Spinal Column Points 27 to 28 - £31,346 to £32,234) and is calculated pro rata.
Cilca qualification preferred though the opportunity to train would be available.
An application form, together with a job description, is available by contact as below.
The closing date for applications is Friday 4th March 2022.
Telephone (01653) 695348
Malton Town Council Mayor's Young People Awards
Malton Town Council are launching the Malton Youth Awards Scheme to give due recognition to the many young people of the town who give their own time and voluntary effort in supporting and assisting individuals, charities or projects with no payment or reward for themselves, other than the satisfaction of knowing that they are contributing fully to the community in which they live. The award would aim to promote a positive image of young people and recognise their achievements.
Malton is full of talented and amazing young people who give their time as volunteers, are part of local groups and who go above and beyond to help their community, this needs to be recognised.
The young people who have been nominated would attend an awards ceremony, along with key stakeholders and dignitaries in the town.
This award is specifically designed for young people of school age 5-19 to be able to nominate their peers for recognition. Along with a judging panel, the Town Mayor would evaluate the nominations, each of which will be awarded with a certificate and voucher to spend locally. Winners would be chosen from each category and then an overall winner announced.
Submissions must be referring to achievements from 1st November 2020 to 1st December 2021 and be for a young person who lives in Malton.
Nominations open Monday 10th January and close on Thursday 7th April 2022. Nomination forms are available from the school administration, can be downloaded form from the Malton Town Council website or email
Award Categories
Young Fundraiser
Bravery Award
Young Carer
Young Leader
Community Champion
Environmental Champion
Child of Courage
Click below to download the Nomination Form
Malton Town Councils Wins Quality Award
Malton Town Council is celebrating Quality status, with an award that recognises good practice in governance, community engagement and council improvement.
The Quality Award, made by the National Association of Local Councils (NALC), demonstrates that a council achieves good practice in governance, community engagement and council improvement. Quality Councils go above and beyond their legal obligations, leading their communities and continuously seeking opportunities to improve and develop even further.
There are three award levels – Foundation, Quality and Quality Gold – and the emphasis of the scheme is on encouraging and supporting the improvement of councils, setting out criteria to be met at each level.
Malton Town Council achieved the Foundation award in 2020 but this is the first time it has been awarded Quality status.
In terms of the future, the council is now reviewing ways in which it can keep on improving its offer to the local community and welcomes input from local people and key partners on this. Malton Town Council and other local councils like it, are at the front line of the government’s localism agenda and are doing as much as they can to deliver services whilst being efficient and cost-effective. Currently the council provides a range of services and wants to continue to improve its community engagement.
The Mayor of Malton, Councillor Kerry Ennis commented “It is fantastic to receive this award. The council aims to bring our local community together, while at the same time, ensuring value for money as well as constantly seeking new innovations and opportunities to improve.
Town Clerk, Gail Cook said: “I am very proud that we have achieved Quality status. It was very much a team effort, with everyone playing their part in working towards a successful outcome.”
Multi-Agency Drop In Monthly Events
Come along and meet your multi-agency team at The Wesley Centre, Saville Street, Malton. Agencies attending include Malton Town Council, North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service and Ryedale District Council.
Nostalgic Toy Exhibition in Malton
St Michaels Church hosted an exhibition of childhood toys on the weekend of 4th and 5th od December. It was chance of a trip down memory lane for the Mayor, Kerry Ennis, who was in attendance.
Malton Town Councils Environmental Programme.
As part of Malton Town Councils Environmental Programme, in addition to Malton in Bloom and all its activities, we have been planting a selection of trees in the Milton Avenue area of Malton within the sizeable grass verges. Trees include Silver Birch, Weeping Cherry, Pine and Robinia. The Mayor, Kerry Ennis, is pictured here, planting the Silver Birch.
Christmas Light Switch On
Ho Ho Hotfoot over to the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at 3.50pm in Malton Market Place on Friday 26th November. We will be gathering outside the Stew and Oyster. Charity Brass Band will start by playing Christmas tunes. The event will be welcomed by Reverend Peter Sheasby, carols and poems by the Head Boy and Head Girl of Malton School, with the Mayor of Malton switching on the Christmas Tree at 4.30pm. The event would not be complete without a visit from Santa, and he and his sleigh will be arriving about 4.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
Remembrance Sunday
Situated outside the War Memorial, members of public from Malton, The Royal British Legion and members of Malton Town Council held a short remembrance service at 11.00 on 14th November to mark respect to the fallen. Standards were raised and lowered at the cornet player played the last post. A parade was led from the War Memorial to the New Globe where refreshments were served.
Remembrance Day
Situated outside the former Town Hall, members of public from Malton, The Royal British Legion and members of Malton Town Council held a short remembrance service at 11.00 on 11th November to mark respect to the fallen. Standards were raised and lowered at the cornet player played the last post.
Duke of Edinburgh Awards Evening
“It was a pleasure to be invited as Deputy Mayor of Malton and ex colleague of Norton College to present the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards.
The students had obviously thoroughly enjoyed their experiences over the year on the scheme and had learnt much not only about others but the strengths they hold within themselves. They were a delight to talk to at the end of the evening telling me stories of their expedition adventures.
This DofE scheme offers so much for a diverse group of young people across the country where they can develop skills for life which will opens doors for their futures.
The time the staff give to support this scheme is given voluntarily and their delight and pride as was that of the parents/cares positively glowed. The success of this extracurricular activity is only achieved by the joint endeavours of the adults giving up their spare time at weekends and evenings in all weathers to support these extraordinary students.
I love to see young people who go that extra mile to push themselves beyond their comfort zone to achieve so much especially during this very difficult year for us all. Much of the volunteering needed for the scheme was used to support people in our community during the Covid times.
What is next challenge when success breeds success? Simply go for Gold”. “
Rainbow Lane Enchancement Scheme
We had a great turnout at the Rainbow Lane Community Centre last night to discuss the future of the park at Rainbow Lane. For those of you who missed the opportunity to attend in person, please let your voice be heard by completing our online feedback survey.
Rainbow Lane Enchancement Scheme
Rainbow Lane Play Area Enhancement Scheme
Join us for an engagement session to discuss the new enhancements being planned for the park on Rainbow Lane on Tuesday 2nd November at Rainbow Lane Community Centre. Sessions will commence at 5.30pm and 6.30pm
Key features we plan to discuss include
• Bicycle racks
• Painted basketball court
• Roller bowl
• Picnic and seating areas
• Cup recycling zone
• Landscaping
Truck and Child Safety
On 20th October students at Malton Primary School attended an interactive day being educated about road safety and the dangers of large vehicles in their community
The day was aimed at showing the children what the truck driver sees when driving and how to behave round trucks. DHL carried out the interactive session, which was offered free to schools who have concerns around this issue. Malton Primary School have raised concerns with regard to trucks coming past the school, although this has been reduced with the time restrictions now in place.
Every year in the UK, over 400 children are killed or seriously injured on our roads. DHL came along to spread the message about road safety and the dangers of playing around large vehicles to help keep children safe and potentially save children’s lives.
Most of the children are playing on bikes or near roads, children are often surprised by how large the driver’s blind spot area is. The session provides the opportunity to refresh their knowledge of road safety and some students were even able to climb into the cab of the 44-tonne lorry to view the blind spots for themselves, making them think about safety from a driver’s perspective
The day was attended by the Mayor of Malton, Councillor Kerry Ennis and the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Sue Hawes.
Malton’s Deputy Mayor, Councillor Sue Hawes commented: ““What a fantastic event organised by Malton Community Primary School. Lorry and truck safety is so important for our young residents and I have to say I learnt a lot too. It was a privilege to be invited representing Malton Town Council as Deputy Mayor. The children were brilliant as ever and soaked up all information from the instructors. It is vitally important for this training to be rolled out when Highfield Road is one of the busiest roads for lorries in Malton. This lorry route passes two Primary Schools on essentially a residential road”
Celebrations for Malton Library Refurbishment
Malton Library are celebrating a raft of refurbishments, including new shelves, seating, carpeting and other soft and hard furnishings. Cllr Lindsay Burr was in attenance for the launch as well as Cllr Sue Hawes, Deputy Mayor.
Kemps General Store Launch Party
Members of the Town Council, including the clerk and Mayor, Cllr Kerry Ennis, attended the launch party of Kemps General Store, on Friday evening, 1st October. This was a well attended event and we wish the store every success.
Malton Christmas Light Switch On
Come and join us for the the festive switch on and sing a long in the Market Place, Friday 26th November 2021. The event starts at 3.50pm with the band playing tunes, there will be an introduction, followed by carol singing, and poems read out by pupils of Malton School. The switch on will be at 4.30pm. Santa with his sleigh will also be attending.
Malton’s restored Cemetery Chapel re-dedicated.
Malton Town Council has completed the restoration of the two historic Chapels at New Malton Cemetery, accessed from the town’s Princess Road, and the main East Chapel has been re-dedicated for public use once again.
Five faith leaders from Malton conducted the special service to re-dedicate the East Chapel, in the presence of Mrs Venetia Wrigley, Deputy Lieutenant and High Sheriff of North Yorkshire, and other dignitaries including Cllr Lindsay Burr MBE, the Malton member for North Yorkshire County Council, Cllr Michael Cleary, the Chairman of Ryedale District Council, Malton’s Mayor and Deputy Mayor, the Mayor of Norton, Malton Town Council staff, and a senior representative from the Fitzwilliam Malton Estate, and others. Following the re-dedication, the Chapel is able to be fully used once again, and the first such funeral service takes place this week.
Speaking about the re-dedication, Malton’s Mayor Cllr Paul Emberley said: “This historic East Chapel has been beautifully restored, appropriately, and fit for generations to come – and we’re so pleased that it will now be open once again daily for people to visit for private prayer and reflection, for small funeral services and other events. It’s now a town asset that we can once again all be proud.”
The adjacent West Chapel has also been restored as a facility for the community to use. The restoration of the Chapels are part of a wider scheme to improve the whole cemetery including the restoration and re-instatement of two large pairs of double gates, a new and enlarged storage building – as well as resurfacing to parts of the Cemetery entranceways and roadways, together with associated planting and landscaping – all of which is expected to be completed in the next few weeks.
Gail Cook, Malton’s Town Clerk said: “The Chapels, which are Grade II listed, had remained unused and mothballed for almost two decades, and their structural condition had deteriorated as a consequence and had become a liability to the Council.
“This prompted us to commence an initiative for a comprehensive repair and restoration programme for the Chapels, together with other associated improvement works in the Cemetery – an investment made possible by the sale of Malton Lodge.”
A decision to create a ‘new’ cemetery for Malton was made by the Malton Burial Board in November 1858, and initially, around 5 acres of land was acquired from the Earl Fitzwilliam at a cost of £750. The Malton architect John Gibson prepared plans for the new Chapels and the foundation stones were laid on 5 March 1859. The Cemetery first opened on Monday 28 November 1859, with the first funeral taking place on Monday 5 December 1859, with the interment of William Arrundell Exley, an 11 year old boy from Malton.
Free Fridge Open Day
The Honourable Venetia Wrigley DL, the High Sheriff of North Yorkshire visiting the Ryedale Free Fridge at the Wesley Centre, Malton yesterday.
She is shown here with Cllr Paul Emberley, Mayor of Malton and Mrs Lindsay Wrightson , Ryedale Free Fridge signing the visitors book.
Bus Stop Creates A Buzz.
Art of Protest Projects and Malton Town Council are excited to bring the ever talented London based but Scarborough bred artist duo STATIC to the town of Malton! They’re celebrating their nearest painting to home as they take a derelict and disused bus shelter and transform it into a bright, energetic and colourful visual that completely changes the vibe of the street. The goal of this transformation is to uplift and bring people’s attention to a structural space that was once an eye sore, but through imagination and creativity was turned into an urban art gem - just the first of many more to come in the town of Malton.
Speaking about the artwork, Cllr Paul Emberley, Malton’s Town Mayor said: “This is a fantastic transformation of a once-scruffy bus shelter and brings a little more cheer to our amazing town. People love it.”
Malton’s Town Clerk, Gail Cook added: “The shelter is a few metres away from two of our schools and we wanted to create something really special that would inspire the children too – and these talented artists Craig and Tom have well and truly delivered!”
Street art has a captivating way to not only visually change a landscape, but also to draw people towards certain areas and start conversations about what colour, pattern and design mean and how they amplify a background. Whether a town or business wants to send a message, make a space feel safe or simply elevate and beautify an eyesore, urban art is the most effective vehicle of which to do so.
Jeff Clark, director of Art of Protest Projects said “To be given the opportunity to convert a shelter on a street in a rural town which was a country road seemed like a fun and exciting way to change a landscape. The fact that there are two schools next door is what really got me excited. What’s better than being able to spark imagination and creativity into young people? We are so amped by the reception this shelter makeover has already received and cannot wait to continue splashing colour around Malton.”
Artist Craig Evans said “It was great to take on and transform this overlooked and unassuming piece of public architecture. Being no longer in use and seemingly belonging to no one - we hope that our intervention here will inject some colour and creativity into the area and inspire the children from Malton Community Primary School and the people of Malton to see the potential in more public places and to take a fresh look at their surroundings.”
His Royal Highness, The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, KG., KT.
It is with sadness that Malton Town Council has learned of the death of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh and we extend heartfelt condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and members of the Royal Family.
Notice Of Election of Town Councillors For Malton Town Council
Election of Town Councillor(s)
For the Area of
Malton Town Council
To be held on
Thursday, 6th May 2021
1. An election is to be held for TWO Town Councillors for the said Town Council.
2. Nomination papers may be obtained, during normal office hours, from the Returning Officer at the address shown below.
3. Completed nomination papers must be delivered to the Returning Officer at the offices of Ryedale District Council, at the address shown below, on any working day after the date of this notice, between 10am and 4pm but not later than 4pm on Thursday, 8th April 2021.
4. If the election is contested, the poll will take place on Thursday, 6th May 2021 between the hours of 07:00 and 22:00
5. Electors should take note that the deadline for new applications to vote by post or to change existing postal or proxy arrangements e.g. cancellation or re-direction etc must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at the address shown below by 5pm on Tuesday, 20th April 2021 if they are to be effective for this election.
6. New applications to vote by proxy must be received by the Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Tuesday, 27th April 2021.
7. The deadline for new applications to be received by the Electoral Registration Officer to vote by proxy on grounds of occupation, service or employment or a medical condition, illness or disability arising after 5pm on Tuesday, 27th April 2021 is not later than 5pm on Thursday, 6th May 2021
Malton Town Council - Annual Review 2020/21
The Town Council's Annual Review for 2020-21 is now available to view below
The Annual Report includes:
• Town Mayor Introduction
• Council Financial Information
• Support for Community Groups
• Highlights of the Town Year
• Meet your Councillors
A hard copy of the Annual Review is available from the Clerk at Malton Council email; or telephone with any further queries 01653 609888.
Malton Town Council, The Wesley Centre, 10-12 Saville Street, Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 7LL.
Malton Town Council Notice of Casual Vacancy
1. A casual vacancy exists in the office of Councillor for Malton Town Council area as a result of the resignation of Councillor Chris Turner.
2. An election to fill this vacancy will be held if, within 14 working days of the date of this notice, a request by 10 Local Government electors for the Malton Town Council area is received by the Returning Officer of the Ryedale District Council.
3. Requests can be made by email to or by letter to Corporate Governance, Ryedale District Council, Ryedale House, Malton, YO17 7HH. All requests must include the full name and address of the elector(s) making the request.
4. Any request received by the Returning Officer is available for inspection upon request.
5. Upon receipt of a valid request from 10 registered Local Government electors within the 14 working day period, If a by election is requested, a poll cannot take place until 6 May 2021 as a result of the Coronavirus Act 2020 and the 2020 Regulations.
6. In the event that insufficient requests are received within the 14 working day period, the vacancy will be filled by the Town Council by co-option.
Dated 4th February 2021
Signed: G Cook, Clerk to Malton Town Council
The Wesley Centre
10-12 Saville Street
North Yorkshire
YO17 7LL
Local Council Award Scheme
Malton Town Council is now a Foundation Status local council as of December 2020.
The Local Council Award Scheme (LCAS) has been designed to celebrate the successes of the very best local councils and to provide a framework to support all local councils to improve and develop to meet their full potential. The scheme offers councils the opportunity to show that they meet the standards set by the sector, assessed by their peers, and to put in place the conditions for continued improvement.
To achieve a Foundation Award a council demonstrates that it has the documentation and information in place for operating lawfully and according to standard practice. The council also has policies for training for its councillors and officers and building a foundation for improvement and development.
An Important Sign For These Times
Members of Malton Town Council have been busy installing signs around the town as a reminder to us that the virus is still prevalent.
The signs carry the strong reminder to 'wash hands' 'cover face' and 'make space'. Pictured Councillors; Kerry Ennis, Deputy Mayor of Malton, Chris Turner, Graham Lake, and Paul Emberley, Mayor of Malton.
The Opening Of The New Kemps Store
Even mask wearing due to the virus didn't stop the opening of the new Kemps Store in Malton. Kemps have moved into adjacent premises at the top of the Market Place giving them a generous sized sales space from which to sell their exclusive gifts and stationery. So please do call in and have a look round the new premises, especially as this coming Saturday is National Bookshop Day. Pictured, Liz Kemp, the Mayor of Malton, Paul Emberley, cutting the ribbon, and Jonathan Wurr.
New Play For All
Malton Town Council secured National Lottery funding and Section 106 Developer Payments from Ryedale District Council to enhance the inclusive play offering at the already well established Rainbow Lane play area.
Children from Ryedale Special Families and local families who have children with special needs use Rainbow Lane play area daily. The Town Council therefore decided to create a special place where children with special needs can have regular access to outdoor play in a fun, low stress environment.
The funding has helped deliver an inclusive roundabout which hold up to two wheelchair users and has seating for ambulant users. There is also a swing cradle seat which is inclusive, with straps for safety. The totally inclusive equipment which non disabled children can also use, also includes a quadrant of four animal trampolines.
The clerk has carefully listened to the concerns and requests which has resulted in extensive consultation with play equipment providers and we feel that we have come up with the most suitable inclusive package to stimulate children with special needs in this location.
Rainbow Lane is a large play park with a host of equipment for all ages and abilities, boasting traditional play equipment, modern play equipment, adult gym equipment, circuit training course and a multi use games area. Rainbow Lane is situated to the north side of Malton off Highfield Road.
Malton Town Council are particularly thankful to the National Lottery for their support funding.
The Marketing of Malton Lodge
Malton Lodge, adjacent to the New Malton Cemetery, has been marketed by Willow Green Estate Agents on instructions from Malton Town Council. Willow Green secured 40 viewings, 12 offers, and the property is now sold, subject to contract. Thank you to them for an excellent service. Pictured here, Paul Emberley the Mayor of Malton and Lisa Tyler, Managing Director, Willow Green.
Market Street, Malton
Lovely photo of Market Street Malton some time in the Summer months, with York House in the rear ground with Pearsons and Ward Solicitors on the left boasting the Malton in Bloom hanging baskets.
The Reopening of the Talbot Hotel, Malton
Malton’s most iconic hotel, The Talbot on Yorkersgate, was officially re-opened on Monday by the town Mayor, Cllr Paul Emberley on behalf of The Coaching Inn Group. A question mark had hung over its future, as well as some forty jobs, following its recent closure as a result of the Covid lockdown.
But now The Coaching Inn Group, which operates seventeen other similar hotels and inns in market towns across the country, has reached an agreement with The Fitzwilliam Malton Estate to take over the operation of The Talbot.
The Mayor of Malton, Cllr Paul Emberley, said: “Originally built as a hunting lodge in the 1600’s, it first became an inn 280 years ago in 1740, and its re-opening so quickly is a huge relief to everyone.
“The Talbot and our extraordinary historic town – which has bucked the trend of some of the challenges faced by many rural market towns – are synonymous, and so we couldn’t be more pleased that it’s in good hands once again.
“It’s a credit to The Fitzwilliam Malton Estate too and its estate Manager Helen Barry that a deal was done in record time, preserving jobs and creating new ones also.
“On the day of re-opening, it was good to see the hotel buzzing once again and I’m pleased that it’s such a good fit for the experienced management team of The Coaching Inn Group. We know they’ve inherited some great people – many of whom are from Malton and the surrounding area.”
Cllr Emberley concluded, “I’m reassured too from the CEO of The Coaching Inn Group, Kevin Charity that The Talbot will continue to play an integral role in the life of the region and of the local community here in Malton – and this will I’m sure continue to help drive forward and sustain our economic success.”
Yorkshire Day In Malton
Town councillors from Malton and Norton (including both town mayor's, Cllrs Paul Emberley and Antony Croser) and two Ryedale District Councillors assemble on a glorious summer's day in Malton's Market Street for the reading of the Proclamation of Integrity on Yorkshire Day, Saturday 1 August 2020.
Yorkshire Day In Malton
Malton's Town Crier, Mr David Jackson with Cllr Paul Emberley, Mayor of Malton for the reading of the Proclamation of Integrity in Malton’s Market Street on Yorkshire Day, Saturday 1 August 2020.
During this difficult time if you need to contact the Town Council we would ask that you do so by email or telephone in the first instance. or telephone 01653 609888. If we do not answer please leave a message, the Clerk will return your call.
Cemetery Manager Tel No: 07989438577
Please note that Rainbow Lane Play Area is closed until further notice.
Where to get help
If you are self-isolating because of COVID-19, please ring the Community Support Organisation, who can help 01653 531030
Many people will need the help of volunteers during this difficult time, if you are interested in volunteering to help, please ring 01653 531030
Local shops are offering a delivery service, please click on the link below to the Malton Delivers website
Light A Candle Of Hope A National Call To Prayer
This Mothering Sunday, 22nd March, we are calling all churches to a National Day of Prayer and Action. At such a time as this, when so many are fearful and there is great uncertainty, we are reminded of our dependence on our loving Heavenly Father and the future that he holds.
At 7pm this Sunday, light a candle in the windows of your homes as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, our source and hope in prayer.
Whether you are continuing to worship as congregations or not, we have the great privilege and freedom to be able to call upon God, wherever we are, individually and corporately, for healing in our nation. We would pray for all in leadership at this time, making decisions about the containment of the COVID-19 virus, for those working in health and social care, and especially for the most vulnerable, whether elderly or those with underlying health conditions.
There are already stories being told of wonderful acts of kindness across neighbourhoods. Alongside your prayers, take the opportunity to telephone or email someone who is isolated, buy some additional food for your local foodbank, or offer to deliver shopping for an elderly neighbour. We may not be able to touch physically, but we can make connections in so many other ways.
In the meantime, do please attend to all the government health advice that will be issued, and look out for resources from your specific church governing bodies.
At least for those of us in the global North, we do seem to be in unusual times, and wisdom and flexibility about worship gatherings are a key part of our Christian discipleship during this period.
We note that this call to prayer and action comes on Mothering Sunday: a time of thankfulness, remembering especially mothers who have served us, often in very costly ways. It is also a very mixed day for many. For some the remembrance is painful, and for others Mothering Sunday is a reminder of disappointment or loss. In many ways, this period under the shadow of the coronavirus will be prompting similarly diverse reactions and so it seems especially appropriate that the call to prayer is made this Sunday. At this time of uncertainty join in with the National Day of Prayer and Action, lighting a candle of hope.
“Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7
Presidents of Churches Together in England
Archbishop Justin Welby, The Archbishop of Canterbury
Cardinal Vincent Nichols, The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
Revd Dr Hugh Osgood, The Free Churches Moderator
Archbishop Angaelos of London, CTE President for the Orthodox Churches
Pastor Agu Irukwu, CTE Pentecostal President
Understanding Waste
Members of Malton and Norton Town Councils had a visit to Allerton Park Waste Recovery Centre. The plant processes up to 320,000 tonnes of waste per year from York and North Yorkshire councils. Members found it most insightful and gained a good understanding of waste recovery management and recycling.
Back of The Net!
Well done to the U16 Girls' Football Team from Malton School for picking up 'Team of the Year' at the Ryedale District Sports Awards at the Forest & Vale Hotel, Pickering on Thursday night. Malton Town Council’s congratulations go to all the girls - for the very high bar they have set and for the legacy they leave behind.
Malton Senior Citizens Party
On Friday 14th February, the Malton and Norton Lions Club hosted the Malton Senior Citizens Party at the rugby club.
Over 100 residents were in attendance and had a wonderful time. Pictured, Malton Mayor, Cllr Paul Emberley and Residents.
Malton Mini Police
Malton Mini Police on Saturday in Malton Market. Some great crime prevention advice was given out.
Pictured Mini Police, PC Jane Jones and Malton Town Councillor, Sue Hawes.
We Are Hiring - Facilities Officer
If you have a passion to see Malton presented at its very best, love plants, and like what we do at Malton in Bloom, then this job could just be for you . . . .
Varied duties, amongst many others, some of which are . . . .
Maintain Town Council assets to a high standard
Groundworks for Malton in Bloom and help manage the volunteers
Groundsman Duties including painting, spraying, planting, cleaning
Visual checks and inspection reports
Part Time 17 to 21 hours per week, to be agreed. Salary Range SCP 18 - 23 £24,313 - £26,999 pro rata
For an application form, job description and further details, Contact Gail Cook, Email:
Closing date for applications Friday 14th February 2020 Malton Town Council is an equal opportunities employer.
Lucinda Hawksley
The great-great-great grand daughter of Charles Dickens - Lucinda Hawksley
Signing copies of Dickens and Christmas at the Malton Dickens festival at the Wesley Centre .
Malton Christmas Tree - A Special Thank You
A special thank you to MKM for delivering the tree and to Scampston Estate for donating the tree free of charge to the town! Thank you so much for this very kind gift!
Injured Jockeys Christmas Fair
On Friday, at Jack Berry House, the Mayor attended their Christmas Fair for the Injured Jockeys Fund. The Injured Jockeys Fund provides huge support for jockeys past and present, or unable to ride; Malton's racing industry is one of our biggest employers. Pictured, the Mayor Paul Emberley, Councillor Graham Lake, Jack Berry and Others.
What a Christmas Weekend!
It was a bumper Christmas weekend here in Malton. A crowd of several hundred people gathered in Malton's Market Place to see the lighting of the town's Christmas Tree. The illumination was preceded by a short carol service led by Revd Peter Sheasby. A few local brass players assisted with the carols. Santa's Sleigh arrived on schedule, organised by Malton, Norton District Lions, much to the delight of the children.
Cllr Paul Emberley, Malton's Town Mayor said:
"It was a great start to the Christmas festivities in Malton. The tree was our biggest yet, supplied by the Scampston Estate, and festooned with thousands of twinkling bulbs, together with the festive lights that now adorn all the main streets around the town centre. It all helped to give Malton a very special feel for Christmas."
A two-day Christmas Market that followed the tree illumination attracted thousands of people from all over Yorkshire to shop amongst the hundreds of stalls, with music, speciality foods, and Christmas crafts.
New Multi Use Games Area For Rainbow Lane Play Area
YOUNGSTERS in Malton now have use of a much upgraded multi-games area (MUGA) thanks to an initiative by the town council.
A MUGA is a unique concept, creating a dedicated space at the Rainbow Lane play area for young people to play sports such as football, basketball, hockey, tennis, badminton and volleyball. Councillor Paul Emberley, Mayor of Malton, said: “These improvements at the Rainbow Lane are fantastic for the young people of our town.
“They are part of a wide range of new initiatives being rolled out by Malton Town Council for the benefit of everyone in our community – providing new and wide-ranging facilities that are fit for purpose and meet the physical, social and personal needs of the town’s rapidly growing population.”
Cllr Emberley said the renovated MUGA has been specifically requested by young people in Malton – following consultation.
“The play area is well used by children of all ages and this is an opportunity for older children too, to keep active and to have fun,” he added. “Rainbow Lane Play Area not only contributes to the attractiveness of our community but it also promotes physical health and well-being by encouraging people to be more active. The town council has invested in these improvements to ensure that the play area will continue to be well-used for many years to come – and that the residents of Malton can feel proud to live in our town.
“Above all, the town council is committed to listening to its residents and seeking to fund projects which matter most to them – and we’ll continue to do that.”
The old facility was dilapidated and the town council have extended the sides and replaced metal sections to provide a more functional, secure play facility.
Photograph, The Mayor of Malton, Cllr Paul Emberley trying out basketball at the new MUGA.
2019 Malton Tree Lighting Ceremony
Come along to our Tree Lighting Ceremony which will be held in Malton Market Place, near Stew & Oyster at 4pm on Friday 6th December. Carol sheets will be handed out so we can sing some Christmas Carols, supported by a local brass band. Santa and the Malton & Norton Lions Christmas Sleigh will be coming down as well to bring some Christmas cheer!
2019 Remembrance Day Ceremony
On a crisp sunny autumn day, Malton saw the gathering of perhaps one of its largest crowds of residents and local organisations in modern times to attend the poignant 2019 Remembrance Day ceremony at the War Memorial. The town Mayor, Cllr Paul Emberley, together with other dignitaries including from Norton Town Council, Ryedale District Council, and the Deputy Lieutenant of North Yorkshire, each paid tributes to the fallen with the laying of wreaths. The ceremony, which was coordinated by the Malton and Norton Branch of the Royal British Legion and Malton Town Council, was led by clergy from all of Malton's churches and the music was provided by the Salvation Army Band. A further short ceremony was held the next day, Armistice Day, outside Malton's former town hall, with the town pausing for the two-minute silence and a lone cornet player sounding the Last Post and Reveille.
Malton and Norton Pride Awards 2019
Last weekend saw the 10th anniversary of the Pride of Malton & Norton Awards, held to celebrate the achievements of local people and businesses.
About 200 guests attended the ceremony in the marquee at the Talbot Hotel. The awards are designed to showcase local people and businesses that help to make the community a better place to live and work.
Photo; Mayor of Malton, Paul Emberley, Councillor Graham Lake and Dr Ava Easton, CEO of the Encephalitis Society.
Saddled With A Lovely Prize
THE mayor of Malton is hoping for success at the races after winning the top prize at a charity raffle. Cllr Paul Emberley was the lucky winner in a raffle held at the Malton Stables Open Day in September. Sponsored by the Arena Racing Company (ARC) and run by the charity, Racing Welfare, the open day aims to showcase the racehorse training centres in Malton and Norton.
Cllr Emberley won a share in the Racegoers Club’s newest equine recruit, Spirit Of The Sky, a two-year-old filly in training with Richard Fahey at his stables at Musley Bank in Malton. As part of his prize, Cllr Emberley will have the opportunity to visit the filly to watch her working on the gallops, in addition to seeing her on race days.
Cllr Emberley said: “This was such a surprise. I was very pleased to personally support the Racing Welfare raffle during a visit to the open day, and what a successful day, there’s such huge enthusiasm for the racing community here in our town and the surrounding areas.
“As a racing centre, Malton has national significance and it’s a big contributor to our local economy and we’re very proud of that. I shall watch Spirit Of The Sky’s progress with renewed interest over the coming months, and if the filly has any success during my mayoral term of office, then the entire share of any proceeds will be donated to Racing Welfare. The charity has such a strong presence in Malton and its work aims to help people in the industry from recruitment to retirement - through a range of challenges which are specific to a career in racing. If nothing else, I hope this helps to raise the profile of Racing Welfare even more.”
Sophie Hellyer, of the Racegoers Club, said “We’re delighted Cllr Emberley has won a share in Spirit Of The Sky and we hope that he enjoys the racehorse ownership experience. We were very pleased that the prize, offered by the Racegoers Club, helped Racing Welfare to raise additional funds at the ARC Malton Open Day. Racing Welfare is a vital charity for many residents of Malton itself, as well as the whole of the British racing industry, and Racegoers Club is proud to continue to show it support for the charity.”
Malton School Key Stage 3 Awards Evening
The Mayor attended the Malton School Key Stage 3, 2018-2019 students awards evening on 23 October 2019. He said it was a brilliant celebration and awards evening at Malton School. The staff and students do our town proud with their fantastic achievements.
Photo Mayor of Malton, Paul Emberley with Head of Malton School, Rob Williamson.
Cut My Carbon Footprint - Drop In Event
Saturday 2nd November, 10.30 – 2pm. Free drop in event at the Milton Rooms, Malton Market Place.
There will be lots of ideas and examples of how residents can reduce their carbon footprint and reduce climate change. Information on recycling, green travel (electric bikes and cars, public transport options), home energy reduction and renewable energy and support for local wildlife will be available for examples.
Activities for children included.
Malton Dickesian Festival
Dickens' Gift to Yorkshire | Malton Dickensian Festival
Please click on the link below to listen to our town’s song!
Charles Dickens wrote ‘A Christmas Carol’ here in Malton.
The Malton Dickensian Festival every December celebrates Charles Dickens and his links to the beautiful and vibrant market town of Malton in Yorkshire.
The event has a varied programme celebrating the literature of Charles Dickens aimed at all ages during December 2019.
Meeting Jack Berry MBE!
Sunday 15th September 2019 was the Malton Stables Open Day.
Cllr Paul Emberley, Mayor of Malton met with racehorse trainer, fundraiser and industry legend, Jack Berry MBE at Highfield Gallops.
It's That Golden Colour Again!
2019 was once again another great year for Malton in Bloom as it won GOLD and Best in Category at the Yorkshire in Bloom awards.
Building on the previous years success 2019 saw even more additions including transforming the unloved Castlegate / Church Hill corner bed, wildflower planting to Orchard Fields and hanging baskets to the centre of roundabouts.
The judges were impressed with the enthusiasm and attitude of the volunteers. They paid particular tribute to the efforts of the pupils at Malton School. We do thank all our volunteers, business contributors the Council and Visit Malton for all their input.
Yorkshire Day Offical Civic Celebrations 1st August 2019
This year’s official Yorkshire Day (1st August) celebrations took place in Whitby.
Whitby, the jewel of the Yorkshire Coast, famous for its Abbey, 199 Steps, Captain Cook, delicious seafood, Dracula and Whitby Jet was the setting for the Annual Yorkshire Day Celebrations. The Yorkshire Day Civic Procession has taken place every year from 1985. The event is hosted by a different Council each year. Whitby Town Council is greatly privileged to be chosen by the Yorkshire Society to host this prestigious celebration of our beautiful Town. Mayors from the three Ridings of Yorkshire processed through the town to celebrate the wonders of everything Yorkshire.
The procession was a colourful spectacle with Lord Mayors, Mayors, Chairmen of Councils and Town Mayors all in their ceremonial robes, Mace Bearers, local and national dignitaries and members of the Yorkshire Society taking part.
Pictured From Left, Mayor of Nortonn, Antony Croser, Deputy Mayor of Norton, Mrs Ann Spencer and Mayor of Malton Paul Emberley.
Its The Truth! I'm Not Lion!
A beautiful wood carved lion has appeared in a garden of a residence on York Road, Malton.
The creature was carved out of the tree at the weekend.
We have not yet spoken to the owner, but this is a magnificent work of art of a magnificent beast and do hope we can get further detail on it.
A Christmas Message
A Christmas message from the Mayor of Malton, Ian Conlan.
This has been another rollercoaster year for many residents. Many will have enjoyed the freedoms from lockdown to socially mix with one another and enjoy local amenities. We also welcome an increase in visitors, not just at food festivals, but throughout the year.
However, so many of us will have been rocked by the cost of living crisis, with increasing numbers of families in our own communities facing awful decisions about whether to “eat or heat”, and the demands on Ryedale Community Foodbank, Free Fridge and other local support services have risen hugely, hitting people who have never needed this kind of help before, and for the first time a network of Warm Spaces has been set up for everyone struggling to afford to heat their own homes this winter.
At this time of year, many people are forced to cut back on buying as many material things, and volunteers are stepping up in our community and reaching out residents in need, reflecting the spirit of Christmas which people with or without religious faith share, that the Christmas story of “no room at the inn” is a challenge to all of us to find a place for everyone in our communities to belong and feel valued and supported, and so many people have risen to the challenge, which has been impressive to see, this does not eliminate the real suffering in our community, but demonstrate that no-one needs to struggle alone, there are people working hard to help those in need.
Our town council supports the community by supporting play and recreational areas, cemeteries, and work to support and enhance public spaces, such as CCTV, lighting, planting, sculptures, Malton in Bloom, with the invaluable hard work of our town clerk, staff, councillors, and volunteers, for which I am deeply grateful. Our staff will also signpost to other services that can provide necessary support.
I would also like to thank all our grant funders, sponsors, and volunteers that have supported and complimented our work, too numerous to mention here, but including Michael Paley for this lovely Christmas tree, and warmly wish all residents a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Mayors early Christmas Concert a roaring success.
The Mayor of Malton, Cllr Ian Conlan held an early Christmas concert with the Charity Brass, Band. The charitable concert was in aid of Racing Welfare and Ryedale Community Foodbank with proceeds split between both. The evening raised over £450 in support of the charities. The band gave a great performance with many soloists and varied music. The evening also saw speeches from the heads of the charities and a piano recital from the Mayor.
A Good Tidy Up
James Sharp and the team from Dignity Funerals, Malton, have been out litter picking, this time along the York Road strech of Malton in and out of town.
A sterling effort, and it is good to see businesses going above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you.
Remembrance Sunday
Situated outside the War Memorial, a large crowd from members of public from Malton, The Royal British Legion, Military, Civic leaders and members of Malton Town Council held a short remembrance service at 11.00 on 13th November to mark respect to the fallen. Standards were raised and lowered at the cornet player played the last post. A parade was led from the War Memorial to the New Globe where refreshments were served. Pictured Cllr Ian Conlan, Mayor of Malton, Cllr Linday Burr, County Councillor and Deputy Mayor of Malton, and Cllr Di Keal, Mayor of Norton.
Tree Planting
Tree Planting on Milton Avenue. Cllr Kerry Ennis said “Carrying on from my term of office as Mayor when the Malton Town Council Climate and Biodiversity Policy was implemented, and I was also instrumental in pushing for the Peasey Hills Area to be included in the Malton in Bloom programme, I am pleased to be able to donate 3 more trees that have now been planted on Milton Avenue. With increased levels of air pollution, not only are trees one of the best ways of capturing carbon dioxide, they also enhance the area for residents”
Armistice Day
Members of the Royal British Legion and Members of Malton Town Council met at 11am Friday 11th November, on the Town Hall steps to pay respect and remember the fallen from the wars. Jane Ford, former Mayor of Malton, played the Last Post on Cornet.
Early Christmas Celebrations
The Mayor of Malton, Cllr Ian Conlan, invites you to an early Christmas concert with the Charity Brass, Band. This charitable concert is in aid of Racing Welfare and Ryedale Community Foodbank with proceeds split between both. There will be a raffle and refreshments. Suggested donation £5 per ticket, available on the door on the evening of the concert, or from the following numbers. Racing Welfare 01653 696869. Malton Town Council 01653 609888. To be held at St Michaels Church, in the Market Place. Saturday 26th October, at 7pm.
Saying No To Fracking
Malton Town Council is disappointed that the Conservative Government’s recent announcement on lifting the moratorium on fracking breaks their 2019 manifesto pledge to “not support fracking unless the science shows categorically that it can be done safely.” Malton Town Council is greatly concerned about the impact of the energy and cost of living crisis on Malton residents. However, fracking is not the answer.
At its September meeting Malton Town Council resolved the following; Malton Town Council calls for the National moratorium on fracking to be re-imposed. Malton Town Council continues to have a number of unresolved concerns about important aspects of fracking, and therefore is opposed to any fracking activities in its locality until such time as satisfactory answers are forthcoming.
Barking about our new lights!
As part of our Castlegate improvement scheme, as well as providing planters with trees, and new CCTV provision in the area, we have lit up this imposing tree on the corner. Check out our other lit trees at the War Memorial, Yorkersgate and Sparrows Nest, Newbiggin.
Let's Talk
From 1 April 2023, North Yorkshire Council will replace the eight councils in North Yorkshire to deliver all the public services your local council currently provides. Having one new council will save money by joining up services to end duplication, helping to support services so they are stronger and fit for the future, as well as fund local decision-making.
The new council is being built with local at the heart of everything it will do. There will be a main office in each district, supported by customer access points across North Yorkshire so you can still access help and advice face-to-face. There will also be a single website, a single telephone number, and a single local councillor serving your area.
Community Networks will bring together residents, councillors, businesses, town and parish councils, MPs, community groups, and partners like the NHS and police and fire services. Area committees will oversee decisions on matters like licensing and planning at a local level. There will also be a single website, a single telephone number, and a single local councillor serving your area.
Over the next few months, the new council will be asking you what local services are most important to you, how you’d like to work with them, and what you think they should focus on as part of ‘Let’s Talk’, the biggest countywide conversation that North Yorkshire has ever seen.
How can I take part?
The first topic of conversation is ‘Let’s Talk Local’, focussing on what’s important to you in your local area, as well as asking for your views on the proposed Community Networks. This will be followed by conversations about the budget and proposed devolution deal for York and North Yorkshire later in the autumn. You’ll hear more about ’Let’s Talk’ in the paper, on the radio, online and on social media, and the conversation will run from early September right through to December.
Teams from the council will be holding these conversations in person across North Yorkshire at the places you visit and socialise at, like libraries and street markets, and talking to members of local groups.
You can also share your views online or, if you’d prefer, on paper. Surveys are available in accessible formats including large print and easy read, plus selected alternative languages - simply call 01609 780780 to request your copy.
Join the conversation
Visit to share your views online, and find out where your local conversations are taking place.
Ewe Can't Believe It!
Ewe can't believe it! There's no pulling the wool, but the sheep have arrived at Broughton Manor, Malton. Commissioned by Malton Town Council and Malton in Bloom, created for us by Emma Stothard Sculpture. Thank you Emma, beyond brilliant!
Wheelie Good Idea
A wheelie good idea. Malton Town Council for some time has been looking at siting new cycle racks in the town centre, as well as selecting the right ones for users. The cycle racks have been installed in the Market Place, and can accommodate a bike either side. We will continue to look for suitable locations. Pictured, Cllr Ian Conlan, Mayor of Malton, and Lindsay Burr, Deputy Mayor of Malton.
Go Wild For Rewilding
Malton Town Council has a Climate and Biodiversity Policy, and one of the elements we are looking at, jointly with Malton in Bloom, is the rewilding of areas where possible in the town. We already have sections of wildflowers that we manage at Orchard Fields and Broughton Rise, and councillors came up with the idea to rewild large swathes of the cemetery that has not yet been subject to burials, and is open grassland. So our cemetery manager now cuts the necessary perimiter but leaves sections of the grass wild. In addition to this he has also added some native species of wildflower, and pollinators, all to enhance the local climate, encourage local wildlife and also look attractive.
Blooming Good Improvements To Malton Library
A joint effort by Malton in Bloom and contributions from Councillor Lindsay Burr, who is County Councillor of Malton and also Deputy Mayor of Malton, has seen a much improved Malton Library Garden Area. Malton in Bloom removed the old shrubs that were dwarfing the garden, and replaced these with geraniums, perennials, verbena and other choice planting. Two sunflower metal garden seats have also been installed. A new cycle rack and a new bin are to be installed shortly. This has brought about a vastly improved area full of colour and vibrancy.
Royal Proclamations
On Tuesday 13th September, on the steps of the former Town Hall, the Mayor of Malton, Cllr. Ian Conlan, proclaimed the passing of our beloved Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II, and proclaimed the succession by His Majesty King Charles III. The Mayor, and Deputy Mayor were joined by members of both Malton and Norton Council, The Town Crier, and Members of Swinton and District Band who played Hymns and God Save The King. The Crier gave three cheers to the new King. Thank you to all. A lovely crowd gathered in the sunshine to bear witness to the proclamation.
Statement from Mayor of Malton Councillor Ian Conlan on the announcement of the death of Her Majesty the Queen
It is with immeasurable sadness that we mark news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who has been a figure of grace and strength for our nation for so many years.
The thoughts of Malton Town Council are with the Royal Family as they grieve her loss.
We too shall grieve, for a Monarch who has been at the centre of our national life for nearly a century, and who has shown such devoted service to its citizens.
The grounds of Ryedale House shall be open for the placing of flowers for Her Majesty. A book of condolences will also be available to sign within Ryedale House.
Malton Town Council now unites with millions of others across this country, and across the world, to pay tribute to the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and to mourn her passing.
For more information about the book of condolences, please visit the Ryedale District Council website page: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - Ryedale District Council
Malton Racing Stables Open Day
Always a great event.
Tickets available now, see poster.
Birmingham 2022 Queens Baton Relay to Malton
The Birmingham 2022 Queens Baton Relay is coming to Malton on July 13th, starting at 2.08pm on Yorkersgate! The route is Yorkersgate, Market Place, Newgate, Spital Street, Princess Road, East Mount, Old Maltongate. For more details click here . . .
Public Energy Sessions
From Ryedale District Council . . .
We're writing to let you know about two important engagement events we are holding for residents in July to find out more about a pioneering green energy project.
These events follow the launch of Government-funded feasibility studies to see if natural heat can be drawn from deep gas extraction wells (including one originally drilled for fracking), and provided to homes and businesses in Ryedale.
Residents are being encouraged to book their places at the public events which will be held in Pickering and Malton on Wednesday 6 July.
You will also have the chance to take part in a survey about the scheme, which would be the first of its kind in the UK to repurpose these types of wells.
Third Energy, which owns 12 wells in Ryedale, has commissioned investigations to establish if they can be repurposed for geothermal energy. Ryedale District Council secured a £50,000 government grant to help fund the work. This sum has been match funded by the company, which has new owners and is no longer interested in using the wells for fracking or gas extraction.
If the project is shown to be viable, the wells could heat private homes, as well as leisure, commercial or agricultural buildings – bringing significant benefits for communities and the local economy.
The information events on 6 July will be held at Pickering Methodist Church Hall (2.30pm) and at Ryedale House in Malton (6.30pm).
We would appreciate it if you could spread the word about these events, so that residents and businesses interested in finding out more can attend.
Anyone interested in attending is asked to register their place by sending an email to:, stating which event they would like to attend.
Multi Agency Drop In Session
Multi Agency Drop In Session at Malton School today attended by PC Jane Jones, Gail Cook, Town Clerk and Mark from The Croft, pictured with Mr Williams, Headteacher
Great news, new Youth Club for Malton
Organised by
Youth Development at
North Yorkshire Youth
Climate Cafe - Saturday 9th July 11am - 3pm
Friends Meeting House, Greengate
Free refreshments
4 short talks and discussions on how we can take action together to make a difference!
• Mayor Ian Conlan on “Take the Jump” and 20s Plenty
• Richard Mclane on Regenerative Farming
• Cllr Mandy Carpenter on Modeshift Stars/Active Travel
• Helen Grundy from Ryedale Cycle Forum on Cycling
As well as free Refreshments, a Circular Malton & Fair Trade stall will also be available
Woodland Tykes Comes To Castle Gardens
Woodland Tykes are coming to Malton Castle Gardens at the Orchard fields (behind the fire station)
The first stay and play session is on Saturday 2nd of April at 10am until 12pm and is for ages 3 -7
This first session is a taster session and will be just £1 to join
We will be having hot chocolate and toasting marshmallows on the fire and giving you and the kids a run down of what we do and giving the children chance to take part in some fun activities as well as explore and enjoy the beautiful gardens.
Please use our website to book
Places will be limited, however feel free to email us to register your interest and ask any questions
Malton Town Council Annual Report 2021-22
Our neighbouring council, Norton on Derwent Town Council have a vacancy for a Clerk.
Applications are invited for the post of
Clerk / RFO to the Council
26 to 30 hrs per week
The duties include preparation for meetings, implementation of Council decisions, keeping of financial records and administration of all the Council’s activities, including allotments, cemetery and play areas and other exciting initiatives such as Norton in Bloom.
The salary is in accordance with Local Council Scale 2 (Spinal Column Points 27 to 28 - £31,346 to £32,234) and is calculated pro rata.
Cilca qualification preferred though the opportunity to train would be available.
An application form, together with a job description, is available by contact as below.
The closing date for applications is Friday 4th March 2022.
Telephone (01653) 695348
Malton Town Council Mayor's Young People Awards
Malton Town Council are launching the Malton Youth Awards Scheme to give due recognition to the many young people of the town who give their own time and voluntary effort in supporting and assisting individuals, charities or projects with no payment or reward for themselves, other than the satisfaction of knowing that they are contributing fully to the community in which they live. The award would aim to promote a positive image of young people and recognise their achievements.
Malton is full of talented and amazing young people who give their time as volunteers, are part of local groups and who go above and beyond to help their community, this needs to be recognised.
The young people who have been nominated would attend an awards ceremony, along with key stakeholders and dignitaries in the town.
This award is specifically designed for young people of school age 5-19 to be able to nominate their peers for recognition. Along with a judging panel, the Town Mayor would evaluate the nominations, each of which will be awarded with a certificate and voucher to spend locally. Winners would be chosen from each category and then an overall winner announced.
Submissions must be referring to achievements from 1st November 2020 to 1st December 2021 and be for a young person who lives in Malton.
Nominations open Monday 10th January and close on Thursday 7th April 2022. Nomination forms are available from the school administration, can be downloaded form from the Malton Town Council website or email
Award Categories
Young Fundraiser
Bravery Award
Young Carer
Young Leader
Community Champion
Environmental Champion
Child of Courage
Click below to download the Nomination Form
Malton Town Councils Wins Quality Award
Malton Town Council is celebrating Quality status, with an award that recognises good practice in governance, community engagement and council improvement.
The Quality Award, made by the National Association of Local Councils (NALC), demonstrates that a council achieves good practice in governance, community engagement and council improvement. Quality Councils go above and beyond their legal obligations, leading their communities and continuously seeking opportunities to improve and develop even further.
There are three award levels – Foundation, Quality and Quality Gold – and the emphasis of the scheme is on encouraging and supporting the improvement of councils, setting out criteria to be met at each level.
Malton Town Council achieved the Foundation award in 2020 but this is the first time it has been awarded Quality status.
In terms of the future, the council is now reviewing ways in which it can keep on improving its offer to the local community and welcomes input from local people and key partners on this. Malton Town Council and other local councils like it, are at the front line of the government’s localism agenda and are doing as much as they can to deliver services whilst being efficient and cost-effective. Currently the council provides a range of services and wants to continue to improve its community engagement.
The Mayor of Malton, Councillor Kerry Ennis commented “It is fantastic to receive this award. The council aims to bring our local community together, while at the same time, ensuring value for money as well as constantly seeking new innovations and opportunities to improve.
Town Clerk, Gail Cook said: “I am very proud that we have achieved Quality status. It was very much a team effort, with everyone playing their part in working towards a successful outcome.”
Multi-Agency Drop In Monthly Events
Come along and meet your multi-agency team at The Wesley Centre, Saville Street, Malton. Agencies attending include Malton Town Council, North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service and Ryedale District Council.
Nostalgic Toy Exhibition in Malton
St Michaels Church hosted an exhibition of childhood toys on the weekend of 4th and 5th od December. It was chance of a trip down memory lane for the Mayor, Kerry Ennis, who was in attendance.
Malton Town Councils Environmental Programme.
As part of Malton Town Councils Environmental Programme, in addition to Malton in Bloom and all its activities, we have been planting a selection of trees in the Milton Avenue area of Malton within the sizeable grass verges. Trees include Silver Birch, Weeping Cherry, Pine and Robinia. The Mayor, Kerry Ennis, is pictured here, planting the Silver Birch.
Christmas Light Switch On
Ho Ho Hotfoot over to the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at 3.50pm in Malton Market Place on Friday 26th November. We will be gathering outside the Stew and Oyster. Charity Brass Band will start by playing Christmas tunes. The event will be welcomed by Reverend Peter Sheasby, carols and poems by the Head Boy and Head Girl of Malton School, with the Mayor of Malton switching on the Christmas Tree at 4.30pm. The event would not be complete without a visit from Santa, and he and his sleigh will be arriving about 4.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
Remembrance Sunday
Situated outside the War Memorial, members of public from Malton, The Royal British Legion and members of Malton Town Council held a short remembrance service at 11.00 on 14th November to mark respect to the fallen. Standards were raised and lowered at the cornet player played the last post. A parade was led from the War Memorial to the New Globe where refreshments were served.
Remembrance Day
Situated outside the former Town Hall, members of public from Malton, The Royal British Legion and members of Malton Town Council held a short remembrance service at 11.00 on 11th November to mark respect to the fallen. Standards were raised and lowered at the cornet player played the last post.
Duke of Edinburgh Awards Evening
“It was a pleasure to be invited as Deputy Mayor of Malton and ex colleague of Norton College to present the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards.
The students had obviously thoroughly enjoyed their experiences over the year on the scheme and had learnt much not only about others but the strengths they hold within themselves. They were a delight to talk to at the end of the evening telling me stories of their expedition adventures.
This DofE scheme offers so much for a diverse group of young people across the country where they can develop skills for life which will opens doors for their futures.
The time the staff give to support this scheme is given voluntarily and their delight and pride as was that of the parents/cares positively glowed. The success of this extracurricular activity is only achieved by the joint endeavours of the adults giving up their spare time at weekends and evenings in all weathers to support these extraordinary students.
I love to see young people who go that extra mile to push themselves beyond their comfort zone to achieve so much especially during this very difficult year for us all. Much of the volunteering needed for the scheme was used to support people in our community during the Covid times.
What is next challenge when success breeds success? Simply go for Gold”. “
Rainbow Lane Enchancement Scheme
We had a great turnout at the Rainbow Lane Community Centre last night to discuss the future of the park at Rainbow Lane. For those of you who missed the opportunity to attend in person, please let your voice be heard by completing our online feedback survey.
Rainbow Lane Enchancement Scheme
Rainbow Lane Play Area Enhancement Scheme
Join us for an engagement session to discuss the new enhancements being planned for the park on Rainbow Lane on Tuesday 2nd November at Rainbow Lane Community Centre. Sessions will commence at 5.30pm and 6.30pm
Key features we plan to discuss include
• Bicycle racks
• Painted basketball court
• Roller bowl
• Picnic and seating areas
• Cup recycling zone
• Landscaping
Truck and Child Safety
On 20th October students at Malton Primary School attended an interactive day being educated about road safety and the dangers of large vehicles in their community
The day was aimed at showing the children what the truck driver sees when driving and how to behave round trucks. DHL carried out the interactive session, which was offered free to schools who have concerns around this issue. Malton Primary School have raised concerns with regard to trucks coming past the school, although this has been reduced with the time restrictions now in place.
Every year in the UK, over 400 children are killed or seriously injured on our roads. DHL came along to spread the message about road safety and the dangers of playing around large vehicles to help keep children safe and potentially save children’s lives.
Most of the children are playing on bikes or near roads, children are often surprised by how large the driver’s blind spot area is. The session provides the opportunity to refresh their knowledge of road safety and some students were even able to climb into the cab of the 44-tonne lorry to view the blind spots for themselves, making them think about safety from a driver’s perspective
The day was attended by the Mayor of Malton, Councillor Kerry Ennis and the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Sue Hawes.
Malton’s Deputy Mayor, Councillor Sue Hawes commented: ““What a fantastic event organised by Malton Community Primary School. Lorry and truck safety is so important for our young residents and I have to say I learnt a lot too. It was a privilege to be invited representing Malton Town Council as Deputy Mayor. The children were brilliant as ever and soaked up all information from the instructors. It is vitally important for this training to be rolled out when Highfield Road is one of the busiest roads for lorries in Malton. This lorry route passes two Primary Schools on essentially a residential road”
Celebrations for Malton Library Refurbishment
Malton Library are celebrating a raft of refurbishments, including new shelves, seating, carpeting and other soft and hard furnishings. Cllr Lindsay Burr was in attenance for the launch as well as Cllr Sue Hawes, Deputy Mayor.
Kemps General Store Launch Party
Members of the Town Council, including the clerk and Mayor, Cllr Kerry Ennis, attended the launch party of Kemps General Store, on Friday evening, 1st October. This was a well attended event and we wish the store every success.
Malton Christmas Light Switch On
Come and join us for the the festive switch on and sing a long in the Market Place, Friday 26th November 2021. The event starts at 3.50pm with the band playing tunes, there will be an introduction, followed by carol singing, and poems read out by pupils of Malton School. The switch on will be at 4.30pm. Santa with his sleigh will also be attending.
Malton’s restored Cemetery Chapel re-dedicated.
Malton Town Council has completed the restoration of the two historic Chapels at New Malton Cemetery, accessed from the town’s Princess Road, and the main East Chapel has been re-dedicated for public use once again.
Five faith leaders from Malton conducted the special service to re-dedicate the East Chapel, in the presence of Mrs Venetia Wrigley, Deputy Lieutenant and High Sheriff of North Yorkshire, and other dignitaries including Cllr Lindsay Burr MBE, the Malton member for North Yorkshire County Council, Cllr Michael Cleary, the Chairman of Ryedale District Council, Malton’s Mayor and Deputy Mayor, the Mayor of Norton, Malton Town Council staff, and a senior representative from the Fitzwilliam Malton Estate, and others. Following the re-dedication, the Chapel is able to be fully used once again, and the first such funeral service takes place this week.
Speaking about the re-dedication, Malton’s Mayor Cllr Paul Emberley said: “This historic East Chapel has been beautifully restored, appropriately, and fit for generations to come – and we’re so pleased that it will now be open once again daily for people to visit for private prayer and reflection, for small funeral services and other events. It’s now a town asset that we can once again all be proud.”
The adjacent West Chapel has also been restored as a facility for the community to use. The restoration of the Chapels are part of a wider scheme to improve the whole cemetery including the restoration and re-instatement of two large pairs of double gates, a new and enlarged storage building – as well as resurfacing to parts of the Cemetery entranceways and roadways, together with associated planting and landscaping – all of which is expected to be completed in the next few weeks.
Gail Cook, Malton’s Town Clerk said: “The Chapels, which are Grade II listed, had remained unused and mothballed for almost two decades, and their structural condition had deteriorated as a consequence and had become a liability to the Council.
“This prompted us to commence an initiative for a comprehensive repair and restoration programme for the Chapels, together with other associated improvement works in the Cemetery – an investment made possible by the sale of Malton Lodge.”
A decision to create a ‘new’ cemetery for Malton was made by the Malton Burial Board in November 1858, and initially, around 5 acres of land was acquired from the Earl Fitzwilliam at a cost of £750. The Malton architect John Gibson prepared plans for the new Chapels and the foundation stones were laid on 5 March 1859. The Cemetery first opened on Monday 28 November 1859, with the first funeral taking place on Monday 5 December 1859, with the interment of William Arrundell Exley, an 11 year old boy from Malton.
Free Fridge Open Day
The Honourable Venetia Wrigley DL, the High Sheriff of North Yorkshire visiting the Ryedale Free Fridge at the Wesley Centre, Malton yesterday.
She is shown here with Cllr Paul Emberley, Mayor of Malton and Mrs Lindsay Wrightson , Ryedale Free Fridge signing the visitors book.
Bus Stop Creates A Buzz.
Art of Protest Projects and Malton Town Council are excited to bring the ever talented London based but Scarborough bred artist duo STATIC to the town of Malton! They’re celebrating their nearest painting to home as they take a derelict and disused bus shelter and transform it into a bright, energetic and colourful visual that completely changes the vibe of the street. The goal of this transformation is to uplift and bring people’s attention to a structural space that was once an eye sore, but through imagination and creativity was turned into an urban art gem - just the first of many more to come in the town of Malton.
Speaking about the artwork, Cllr Paul Emberley, Malton’s Town Mayor said: “This is a fantastic transformation of a once-scruffy bus shelter and brings a little more cheer to our amazing town. People love it.”
Malton’s Town Clerk, Gail Cook added: “The shelter is a few metres away from two of our schools and we wanted to create something really special that would inspire the children too – and these talented artists Craig and Tom have well and truly delivered!”
Street art has a captivating way to not only visually change a landscape, but also to draw people towards certain areas and start conversations about what colour, pattern and design mean and how they amplify a background. Whether a town or business wants to send a message, make a space feel safe or simply elevate and beautify an eyesore, urban art is the most effective vehicle of which to do so.
Jeff Clark, director of Art of Protest Projects said “To be given the opportunity to convert a shelter on a street in a rural town which was a country road seemed like a fun and exciting way to change a landscape. The fact that there are two schools next door is what really got me excited. What’s better than being able to spark imagination and creativity into young people? We are so amped by the reception this shelter makeover has already received and cannot wait to continue splashing colour around Malton.”
Artist Craig Evans said “It was great to take on and transform this overlooked and unassuming piece of public architecture. Being no longer in use and seemingly belonging to no one - we hope that our intervention here will inject some colour and creativity into the area and inspire the children from Malton Community Primary School and the people of Malton to see the potential in more public places and to take a fresh look at their surroundings.”
His Royal Highness, The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, KG., KT.
It is with sadness that Malton Town Council has learned of the death of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh and we extend heartfelt condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and members of the Royal Family.
Notice Of Election of Town Councillors For Malton Town Council
Election of Town Councillor(s)
For the Area of
Malton Town Council
To be held on
Thursday, 6th May 2021
1. An election is to be held for TWO Town Councillors for the said Town Council.
2. Nomination papers may be obtained, during normal office hours, from the Returning Officer at the address shown below.
3. Completed nomination papers must be delivered to the Returning Officer at the offices of Ryedale District Council, at the address shown below, on any working day after the date of this notice, between 10am and 4pm but not later than 4pm on Thursday, 8th April 2021.
4. If the election is contested, the poll will take place on Thursday, 6th May 2021 between the hours of 07:00 and 22:00
5. Electors should take note that the deadline for new applications to vote by post or to change existing postal or proxy arrangements e.g. cancellation or re-direction etc must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at the address shown below by 5pm on Tuesday, 20th April 2021 if they are to be effective for this election.
6. New applications to vote by proxy must be received by the Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Tuesday, 27th April 2021.
7. The deadline for new applications to be received by the Electoral Registration Officer to vote by proxy on grounds of occupation, service or employment or a medical condition, illness or disability arising after 5pm on Tuesday, 27th April 2021 is not later than 5pm on Thursday, 6th May 2021
Malton Town Council - Annual Review 2020/21
The Town Council's Annual Review for 2020-21 is now available to view below
The Annual Report includes:
• Town Mayor Introduction
• Council Financial Information
• Support for Community Groups
• Highlights of the Town Year
• Meet your Councillors
A hard copy of the Annual Review is available from the Clerk at Malton Council email; or telephone with any further queries 01653 609888.
Malton Town Council, The Wesley Centre, 10-12 Saville Street, Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 7LL.
Malton Town Council Notice of Casual Vacancy
1. A casual vacancy exists in the office of Councillor for Malton Town Council area as a result of the resignation of Councillor Chris Turner.
2. An election to fill this vacancy will be held if, within 14 working days of the date of this notice, a request by 10 Local Government electors for the Malton Town Council area is received by the Returning Officer of the Ryedale District Council.
3. Requests can be made by email to or by letter to Corporate Governance, Ryedale District Council, Ryedale House, Malton, YO17 7HH. All requests must include the full name and address of the elector(s) making the request.
4. Any request received by the Returning Officer is available for inspection upon request.
5. Upon receipt of a valid request from 10 registered Local Government electors within the 14 working day period, If a by election is requested, a poll cannot take place until 6 May 2021 as a result of the Coronavirus Act 2020 and the 2020 Regulations.
6. In the event that insufficient requests are received within the 14 working day period, the vacancy will be filled by the Town Council by co-option.
Dated 4th February 2021
Signed: G Cook, Clerk to Malton Town Council
The Wesley Centre
10-12 Saville Street
North Yorkshire
YO17 7LL
Local Council Award Scheme
Malton Town Council is now a Foundation Status local council as of December 2020.
The Local Council Award Scheme (LCAS) has been designed to celebrate the successes of the very best local councils and to provide a framework to support all local councils to improve and develop to meet their full potential. The scheme offers councils the opportunity to show that they meet the standards set by the sector, assessed by their peers, and to put in place the conditions for continued improvement.
To achieve a Foundation Award a council demonstrates that it has the documentation and information in place for operating lawfully and according to standard practice. The council also has policies for training for its councillors and officers and building a foundation for improvement and development.
An Important Sign For These Times
Members of Malton Town Council have been busy installing signs around the town as a reminder to us that the virus is still prevalent.
The signs carry the strong reminder to 'wash hands' 'cover face' and 'make space'. Pictured Councillors; Kerry Ennis, Deputy Mayor of Malton, Chris Turner, Graham Lake, and Paul Emberley, Mayor of Malton.
The Opening Of The New Kemps Store
Even mask wearing due to the virus didn't stop the opening of the new Kemps Store in Malton. Kemps have moved into adjacent premises at the top of the Market Place giving them a generous sized sales space from which to sell their exclusive gifts and stationery. So please do call in and have a look round the new premises, especially as this coming Saturday is National Bookshop Day. Pictured, Liz Kemp, the Mayor of Malton, Paul Emberley, cutting the ribbon, and Jonathan Wurr.
New Play For All
Malton Town Council secured National Lottery funding and Section 106 Developer Payments from Ryedale District Council to enhance the inclusive play offering at the already well established Rainbow Lane play area.
Children from Ryedale Special Families and local families who have children with special needs use Rainbow Lane play area daily. The Town Council therefore decided to create a special place where children with special needs can have regular access to outdoor play in a fun, low stress environment.
The funding has helped deliver an inclusive roundabout which hold up to two wheelchair users and has seating for ambulant users. There is also a swing cradle seat which is inclusive, with straps for safety. The totally inclusive equipment which non disabled children can also use, also includes a quadrant of four animal trampolines.
The clerk has carefully listened to the concerns and requests which has resulted in extensive consultation with play equipment providers and we feel that we have come up with the most suitable inclusive package to stimulate children with special needs in this location.
Rainbow Lane is a large play park with a host of equipment for all ages and abilities, boasting traditional play equipment, modern play equipment, adult gym equipment, circuit training course and a multi use games area. Rainbow Lane is situated to the north side of Malton off Highfield Road.
Malton Town Council are particularly thankful to the National Lottery for their support funding.
The Marketing of Malton Lodge
Malton Lodge, adjacent to the New Malton Cemetery, has been marketed by Willow Green Estate Agents on instructions from Malton Town Council. Willow Green secured 40 viewings, 12 offers, and the property is now sold, subject to contract. Thank you to them for an excellent service. Pictured here, Paul Emberley the Mayor of Malton and Lisa Tyler, Managing Director, Willow Green.
Market Street, Malton
Lovely photo of Market Street Malton some time in the Summer months, with York House in the rear ground with Pearsons and Ward Solicitors on the left boasting the Malton in Bloom hanging baskets.
The Reopening of the Talbot Hotel, Malton
Malton’s most iconic hotel, The Talbot on Yorkersgate, was officially re-opened on Monday by the town Mayor, Cllr Paul Emberley on behalf of The Coaching Inn Group. A question mark had hung over its future, as well as some forty jobs, following its recent closure as a result of the Covid lockdown.
But now The Coaching Inn Group, which operates seventeen other similar hotels and inns in market towns across the country, has reached an agreement with The Fitzwilliam Malton Estate to take over the operation of The Talbot.
The Mayor of Malton, Cllr Paul Emberley, said: “Originally built as a hunting lodge in the 1600’s, it first became an inn 280 years ago in 1740, and its re-opening so quickly is a huge relief to everyone.
“The Talbot and our extraordinary historic town – which has bucked the trend of some of the challenges faced by many rural market towns – are synonymous, and so we couldn’t be more pleased that it’s in good hands once again.
“It’s a credit to The Fitzwilliam Malton Estate too and its estate Manager Helen Barry that a deal was done in record time, preserving jobs and creating new ones also.
“On the day of re-opening, it was good to see the hotel buzzing once again and I’m pleased that it’s such a good fit for the experienced management team of The Coaching Inn Group. We know they’ve inherited some great people – many of whom are from Malton and the surrounding area.”
Cllr Emberley concluded, “I’m reassured too from the CEO of The Coaching Inn Group, Kevin Charity that The Talbot will continue to play an integral role in the life of the region and of the local community here in Malton – and this will I’m sure continue to help drive forward and sustain our economic success.”
Yorkshire Day In Malton
Town councillors from Malton and Norton (including both town mayor's, Cllrs Paul Emberley and Antony Croser) and two Ryedale District Councillors assemble on a glorious summer's day in Malton's Market Street for the reading of the Proclamation of Integrity on Yorkshire Day, Saturday 1 August 2020.
Yorkshire Day In Malton
Malton's Town Crier, Mr David Jackson with Cllr Paul Emberley, Mayor of Malton for the reading of the Proclamation of Integrity in Malton’s Market Street on Yorkshire Day, Saturday 1 August 2020.
During this difficult time if you need to contact the Town Council we would ask that you do so by email or telephone in the first instance. or telephone 01653 609888. If we do not answer please leave a message, the Clerk will return your call.
Cemetery Manager Tel No: 07989438577
Please note that Rainbow Lane Play Area is closed until further notice.
Where to get help
If you are self-isolating because of COVID-19, please ring the Community Support Organisation, who can help 01653 531030
Many people will need the help of volunteers during this difficult time, if you are interested in volunteering to help, please ring 01653 531030
Local shops are offering a delivery service, please click on the link below to the Malton Delivers website
Light A Candle Of Hope A National Call To Prayer
This Mothering Sunday, 22nd March, we are calling all churches to a National Day of Prayer and Action. At such a time as this, when so many are fearful and there is great uncertainty, we are reminded of our dependence on our loving Heavenly Father and the future that he holds.
At 7pm this Sunday, light a candle in the windows of your homes as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, our source and hope in prayer.
Whether you are continuing to worship as congregations or not, we have the great privilege and freedom to be able to call upon God, wherever we are, individually and corporately, for healing in our nation. We would pray for all in leadership at this time, making decisions about the containment of the COVID-19 virus, for those working in health and social care, and especially for the most vulnerable, whether elderly or those with underlying health conditions.
There are already stories being told of wonderful acts of kindness across neighbourhoods. Alongside your prayers, take the opportunity to telephone or email someone who is isolated, buy some additional food for your local foodbank, or offer to deliver shopping for an elderly neighbour. We may not be able to touch physically, but we can make connections in so many other ways.
In the meantime, do please attend to all the government health advice that will be issued, and look out for resources from your specific church governing bodies.
At least for those of us in the global North, we do seem to be in unusual times, and wisdom and flexibility about worship gatherings are a key part of our Christian discipleship during this period.
We note that this call to prayer and action comes on Mothering Sunday: a time of thankfulness, remembering especially mothers who have served us, often in very costly ways. It is also a very mixed day for many. For some the remembrance is painful, and for others Mothering Sunday is a reminder of disappointment or loss. In many ways, this period under the shadow of the coronavirus will be prompting similarly diverse reactions and so it seems especially appropriate that the call to prayer is made this Sunday. At this time of uncertainty join in with the National Day of Prayer and Action, lighting a candle of hope.
“Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7
Presidents of Churches Together in England
Archbishop Justin Welby, The Archbishop of Canterbury
Cardinal Vincent Nichols, The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
Revd Dr Hugh Osgood, The Free Churches Moderator
Archbishop Angaelos of London, CTE President for the Orthodox Churches
Pastor Agu Irukwu, CTE Pentecostal President
Understanding Waste
Members of Malton and Norton Town Councils had a visit to Allerton Park Waste Recovery Centre. The plant processes up to 320,000 tonnes of waste per year from York and North Yorkshire councils. Members found it most insightful and gained a good understanding of waste recovery management and recycling.
Back of The Net!
Well done to the U16 Girls' Football Team from Malton School for picking up 'Team of the Year' at the Ryedale District Sports Awards at the Forest & Vale Hotel, Pickering on Thursday night. Malton Town Council’s congratulations go to all the girls - for the very high bar they have set and for the legacy they leave behind.
Malton Senior Citizens Party
On Friday 14th February, the Malton and Norton Lions Club hosted the Malton Senior Citizens Party at the rugby club.
Over 100 residents were in attendance and had a wonderful time. Pictured, Malton Mayor, Cllr Paul Emberley and Residents.
Malton Mini Police
Malton Mini Police on Saturday in Malton Market. Some great crime prevention advice was given out.
Pictured Mini Police, PC Jane Jones and Malton Town Councillor, Sue Hawes.
We Are Hiring - Facilities Officer
If you have a passion to see Malton presented at its very best, love plants, and like what we do at Malton in Bloom, then this job could just be for you . . . .
Varied duties, amongst many others, some of which are . . . .
Maintain Town Council assets to a high standard
Groundworks for Malton in Bloom and help manage the volunteers
Groundsman Duties including painting, spraying, planting, cleaning
Visual checks and inspection reports
Part Time 17 to 21 hours per week, to be agreed. Salary Range SCP 18 - 23 £24,313 - £26,999 pro rata
For an application form, job description and further details, Contact Gail Cook, Email:
Closing date for applications Friday 14th February 2020 Malton Town Council is an equal opportunities employer.
Lucinda Hawksley
The great-great-great grand daughter of Charles Dickens - Lucinda Hawksley
Signing copies of Dickens and Christmas at the Malton Dickens festival at the Wesley Centre .
Malton Christmas Tree - A Special Thank You
A special thank you to MKM for delivering the tree and to Scampston Estate for donating the tree free of charge to the town! Thank you so much for this very kind gift!
Injured Jockeys Christmas Fair
On Friday, at Jack Berry House, the Mayor attended their Christmas Fair for the Injured Jockeys Fund. The Injured Jockeys Fund provides huge support for jockeys past and present, or unable to ride; Malton's racing industry is one of our biggest employers. Pictured, the Mayor Paul Emberley, Councillor Graham Lake, Jack Berry and Others.
What a Christmas Weekend!
It was a bumper Christmas weekend here in Malton. A crowd of several hundred people gathered in Malton's Market Place to see the lighting of the town's Christmas Tree. The illumination was preceded by a short carol service led by Revd Peter Sheasby. A few local brass players assisted with the carols. Santa's Sleigh arrived on schedule, organised by Malton, Norton District Lions, much to the delight of the children.
Cllr Paul Emberley, Malton's Town Mayor said:
"It was a great start to the Christmas festivities in Malton. The tree was our biggest yet, supplied by the Scampston Estate, and festooned with thousands of twinkling bulbs, together with the festive lights that now adorn all the main streets around the town centre. It all helped to give Malton a very special feel for Christmas."
A two-day Christmas Market that followed the tree illumination attracted thousands of people from all over Yorkshire to shop amongst the hundreds of stalls, with music, speciality foods, and Christmas crafts.
New Multi Use Games Area For Rainbow Lane Play Area
YOUNGSTERS in Malton now have use of a much upgraded multi-games area (MUGA) thanks to an initiative by the town council.
A MUGA is a unique concept, creating a dedicated space at the Rainbow Lane play area for young people to play sports such as football, basketball, hockey, tennis, badminton and volleyball. Councillor Paul Emberley, Mayor of Malton, said: “These improvements at the Rainbow Lane are fantastic for the young people of our town.
“They are part of a wide range of new initiatives being rolled out by Malton Town Council for the benefit of everyone in our community – providing new and wide-ranging facilities that are fit for purpose and meet the physical, social and personal needs of the town’s rapidly growing population.”
Cllr Emberley said the renovated MUGA has been specifically requested by young people in Malton – following consultation.
“The play area is well used by children of all ages and this is an opportunity for older children too, to keep active and to have fun,” he added. “Rainbow Lane Play Area not only contributes to the attractiveness of our community but it also promotes physical health and well-being by encouraging people to be more active. The town council has invested in these improvements to ensure that the play area will continue to be well-used for many years to come – and that the residents of Malton can feel proud to live in our town.
“Above all, the town council is committed to listening to its residents and seeking to fund projects which matter most to them – and we’ll continue to do that.”
The old facility was dilapidated and the town council have extended the sides and replaced metal sections to provide a more functional, secure play facility.
Photograph, The Mayor of Malton, Cllr Paul Emberley trying out basketball at the new MUGA.
2019 Malton Tree Lighting Ceremony
Come along to our Tree Lighting Ceremony which will be held in Malton Market Place, near Stew & Oyster at 4pm on Friday 6th December. Carol sheets will be handed out so we can sing some Christmas Carols, supported by a local brass band. Santa and the Malton & Norton Lions Christmas Sleigh will be coming down as well to bring some Christmas cheer!
2019 Remembrance Day Ceremony
On a crisp sunny autumn day, Malton saw the gathering of perhaps one of its largest crowds of residents and local organisations in modern times to attend the poignant 2019 Remembrance Day ceremony at the War Memorial. The town Mayor, Cllr Paul Emberley, together with other dignitaries including from Norton Town Council, Ryedale District Council, and the Deputy Lieutenant of North Yorkshire, each paid tributes to the fallen with the laying of wreaths. The ceremony, which was coordinated by the Malton and Norton Branch of the Royal British Legion and Malton Town Council, was led by clergy from all of Malton's churches and the music was provided by the Salvation Army Band. A further short ceremony was held the next day, Armistice Day, outside Malton's former town hall, with the town pausing for the two-minute silence and a lone cornet player sounding the Last Post and Reveille.
Malton and Norton Pride Awards 2019
Last weekend saw the 10th anniversary of the Pride of Malton & Norton Awards, held to celebrate the achievements of local people and businesses.
About 200 guests attended the ceremony in the marquee at the Talbot Hotel. The awards are designed to showcase local people and businesses that help to make the community a better place to live and work.
Photo; Mayor of Malton, Paul Emberley, Councillor Graham Lake and Dr Ava Easton, CEO of the Encephalitis Society.
Saddled With A Lovely Prize
THE mayor of Malton is hoping for success at the races after winning the top prize at a charity raffle. Cllr Paul Emberley was the lucky winner in a raffle held at the Malton Stables Open Day in September. Sponsored by the Arena Racing Company (ARC) and run by the charity, Racing Welfare, the open day aims to showcase the racehorse training centres in Malton and Norton.
Cllr Emberley won a share in the Racegoers Club’s newest equine recruit, Spirit Of The Sky, a two-year-old filly in training with Richard Fahey at his stables at Musley Bank in Malton. As part of his prize, Cllr Emberley will have the opportunity to visit the filly to watch her working on the gallops, in addition to seeing her on race days.
Cllr Emberley said: “This was such a surprise. I was very pleased to personally support the Racing Welfare raffle during a visit to the open day, and what a successful day, there’s such huge enthusiasm for the racing community here in our town and the surrounding areas.
“As a racing centre, Malton has national significance and it’s a big contributor to our local economy and we’re very proud of that. I shall watch Spirit Of The Sky’s progress with renewed interest over the coming months, and if the filly has any success during my mayoral term of office, then the entire share of any proceeds will be donated to Racing Welfare. The charity has such a strong presence in Malton and its work aims to help people in the industry from recruitment to retirement - through a range of challenges which are specific to a career in racing. If nothing else, I hope this helps to raise the profile of Racing Welfare even more.”
Sophie Hellyer, of the Racegoers Club, said “We’re delighted Cllr Emberley has won a share in Spirit Of The Sky and we hope that he enjoys the racehorse ownership experience. We were very pleased that the prize, offered by the Racegoers Club, helped Racing Welfare to raise additional funds at the ARC Malton Open Day. Racing Welfare is a vital charity for many residents of Malton itself, as well as the whole of the British racing industry, and Racegoers Club is proud to continue to show it support for the charity.”
Malton School Key Stage 3 Awards Evening
The Mayor attended the Malton School Key Stage 3, 2018-2019 students awards evening on 23 October 2019. He said it was a brilliant celebration and awards evening at Malton School. The staff and students do our town proud with their fantastic achievements.
Photo Mayor of Malton, Paul Emberley with Head of Malton School, Rob Williamson.
Cut My Carbon Footprint - Drop In Event
Saturday 2nd November, 10.30 – 2pm. Free drop in event at the Milton Rooms, Malton Market Place.
There will be lots of ideas and examples of how residents can reduce their carbon footprint and reduce climate change. Information on recycling, green travel (electric bikes and cars, public transport options), home energy reduction and renewable energy and support for local wildlife will be available for examples.
Activities for children included.
Malton Dickesian Festival
Dickens' Gift to Yorkshire | Malton Dickensian Festival
Please click on the link below to listen to our town’s song!
Charles Dickens wrote ‘A Christmas Carol’ here in Malton.
The Malton Dickensian Festival every December celebrates Charles Dickens and his links to the beautiful and vibrant market town of Malton in Yorkshire.
The event has a varied programme celebrating the literature of Charles Dickens aimed at all ages during December 2019.
Meeting Jack Berry MBE!
Sunday 15th September 2019 was the Malton Stables Open Day.
Cllr Paul Emberley, Mayor of Malton met with racehorse trainer, fundraiser and industry legend, Jack Berry MBE at Highfield Gallops.
It's That Golden Colour Again!
2019 was once again another great year for Malton in Bloom as it won GOLD and Best in Category at the Yorkshire in Bloom awards.
Building on the previous years success 2019 saw even more additions including transforming the unloved Castlegate / Church Hill corner bed, wildflower planting to Orchard Fields and hanging baskets to the centre of roundabouts.
The judges were impressed with the enthusiasm and attitude of the volunteers. They paid particular tribute to the efforts of the pupils at Malton School. We do thank all our volunteers, business contributors the Council and Visit Malton for all their input.
Yorkshire Day Offical Civic Celebrations 1st August 2019
This year’s official Yorkshire Day (1st August) celebrations took place in Whitby.
Whitby, the jewel of the Yorkshire Coast, famous for its Abbey, 199 Steps, Captain Cook, delicious seafood, Dracula and Whitby Jet was the setting for the Annual Yorkshire Day Celebrations. The Yorkshire Day Civic Procession has taken place every year from 1985. The event is hosted by a different Council each year. Whitby Town Council is greatly privileged to be chosen by the Yorkshire Society to host this prestigious celebration of our beautiful Town. Mayors from the three Ridings of Yorkshire processed through the town to celebrate the wonders of everything Yorkshire.
The procession was a colourful spectacle with Lord Mayors, Mayors, Chairmen of Councils and Town Mayors all in their ceremonial robes, Mace Bearers, local and national dignitaries and members of the Yorkshire Society taking part.
Pictured From Left, Mayor of Nortonn, Antony Croser, Deputy Mayor of Norton, Mrs Ann Spencer and Mayor of Malton Paul Emberley.