Climate & Biodiversity
Malton Town Council approves Climate & Biodiversity Policy
At the Town Council meeting held on 30th March 2022, Members of Malton Town Council approved a Climate & Biodiversity Policy and formally accepts that a climate and nature emergency exists, accepts the scientific basis behind the International Panel on Climate Change reports, and that Climate Change poses an existential threat to the balance of Biosystems on which the health of the planet is based.
The Council will play its part and show foresight and leadership when it comes to the issue of climate change.

Malton Town Council is:
Committed to becoming a carbon-zero organisation by 2035 but make significant progress by 2030.
Committed to seek ways to facilitate and encourage our community in reducing direct and indirect CO2emissions and to become resilient to changes caused by the changing climate.
Committed to call upon National Government, Ryedale District Council and North Yorkshire County Council to provide powers and resources to make the 2035 target possible.
Committed to work with governments to determine and implement best practice methods new plan aims for at least 68% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the decade, compared to 1990.
Seeking to engage and influence the policies of other organisations to encourage them to reduce their emissions and improve sustainability and biodiversity. Acknowledging that ‘business as usual’ is not an option in the face of the climate emergency.
Notes the “20 Actions Town and Parish Councils can take on Climate Change” recommended by Friends of the Earth , will explore putting those actions into practice, and where suggested actions on Climate change fall outside the remit and responsibilities of Malton Town Council, the Council will always support and work with all other relevant agencies in the drive, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, towards a zero carbon economy.
Upholding Fairtrade principles by using Fairtrade marked produce and products. Malton is a Fairtrade Town.